From the Worldwide Faith News archives

The Harm of Selecting the Wrong Church Leaders

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:06:13 -0800

Taiwan Church News 2613, March 31, 2002
Reported by Lin Yi-ying and Li Yih-shin
Written by David Alexander

"Taking on responsibility to lead the church is more than just
pasting the name of God onto our personal opinions" C. M. Kao

    The 48th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in
Taiwan will convene from April 2nd through 5th in Tainan this
year.  Among the orders of business will be election of a new
moderator and vice moderator.  At base, what kind of person
should be chosen?  What are the personal characteristics,
life testimony, spiritual strengths and interpersonal skills that

make a person most suited to serve as a church leader?
   The Rev. Dr. C. M. Kao, former General Secretary of the
PCT's General Assembly, says, "The most suitable person
will have faith and regular spiritual practices of scripture
reading and prayer.  There must also be evidence of love,
discernment, humility, self-awareness, clear vision, knowledge,
wisdom, and executive ability.  Above and beyond all of these
we need people who hate unjust gain."
    "Most basic is faith. Eloquence is attractive, but it does not

as essential as regular spiritual practices of scripture reading
prayer. A heart full of love for God and a mind dedicated to
justice are as important as knowledge and wisdom."
    "Good church leaders are decisive."  Dr. Kao's vast experience

in church leadership has taught him that many people are learned,

but have no persistence. Others have leadership principles but
no ability to perform.  "A church leader must be both discerning
and humble. And, because nobody is perfect, a leader must
be self aware, reflective, and able to see and admit errors.
There should not be any cover-ups."
    Professor Chen Nan-chou of Yu-shan Theological College
says, "It doesn't matter if it is the moderator, vice moderator,
general secretary or a program secretary at the mission center,
all are members of this church, and should be able to conduct
personal relationships in a correct fashion.  All should have
deeply experienced the meaning of Christian salvation.  Faith,
hope and love should be manifest in their lives.  A church
leader should have theological, pastoral and administrative
acumen.  But these must not be seen as personal strengths
because nobody, not even a church leader, is perfect.  So
the church has to operate by established systems of checks
and balances."
    "No matter who is elected to be church leaders. they must
operate by within the constraints of their entrusted authority
and resources," he adds.  "One must not usurp the glory of
God for oneself. One must take care not, by means of
eloquent words, to say things that sound good, and to suppose
that his or her personal agenda is 'God's program.' In the
mandate to glorify God alone, there is always the temptation
to seek our own glory."
    He concluded,   "Awareness of our own limitations is always
important if we are to defend ourselves from the many
temptations that come with leadership.  The checks and
balances that are in place can be helpful to make up for
personal incompleteness and the possibilities of corruption."
    Dr. Kao sums up his own position as, "Selecting the wrong
persons for church leadership is very harmful to the church."
He urges self examination because, in situations where things
are not fully clear, we must not be hasty to label any person
or situation as 'sin'. He advocates the application of
policies in times of investigation and decision as the new
give guidance to the church.

For More Information:
    C. M. Kao: 106 Taipei City, Ruey-an Street,
                       Lane 208, Alley 14, #24
   Chen Nan-chou <>

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