From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ACNS: Peace Possibility in South India

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Thu, 23 May 2002 19:38:38 -0700

ACNS 2984 - SOUTH INDIA - 15 May 2002

Peace in Sri Lanka

[CSI Life] The news that there is every possibility of a settlement of the
ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is heartening indeed. The cease-fire between
the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan army has been
in force for a few months now and life in the region shows signs of
returning to normal.

Many people are sceptical about the outcome of the negotiations for peace.
It is not clear what will ultimately be the political set up in the north
and east of the country. Some in India even fear that the LTTE
administration in that area may even turn out to be a threat to the
integrity of India. At the moment, however, hopes are high among the people
of the region and, after years of suffering, they are welcoming a settlement
so that life can return to normal.

The Church of South India will be one of the greatest beneficiaries of peace
in the region. The CSI Diocese of Jaffna has been undergoing a most
harrowing experience for more than a decade now. Most people of the diocese
have been scattered all over the country. The memory of the former Bishop of
Jaffna, The Rt Revd Ambalavanar, fleeing from his residence with just a
suitcase is still fresh in the minds of many.

Peace in Jaffna will mean rehabilitation of the diocese, its institutions
and its congregations. Let us therefore pray earnestly that the efforts of
all who are involved in the peace process will bear fruit.

The ACNSlist is published by the Anglican Communion Office, London.

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