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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Clergy - Laity to Meet in Los

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Date Thu, 23 May 2002 20:14:12 -0700


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For Immediate Release:
April 17, 2002
Contact: Nikki Stephanopoulos


New  York,  NY  ?  His  Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Primate of the Greek
Orthodox Church in America has called upon all of the parishes of the Greek
Orthodox  Archdiocese  to  participate  in  the  36th Biennial Clergy Laity
Congress  to  be  held  in Los Angeles from June 30 to July 5, 2002.  In an
encyclical  to the faithful of the Archdiocese, the Archbishop states: "Due
to  the  necessity  of Offering Our Orthodox Faith to Contemporary America,
the  theme  of  our Congress, and by extension to the commission we have to
offer  our faith throughout the world, we ask for full participation of the
clergy  and  laity of our Holy Archdiocese in this vital meeting.  In being
together  in  one mind, one body, and one heart, we manifest our unyielding
commitment  to  Christ  and  the  work  of  His  Church,  and we affirm our
unquenchable  desire to offer the gift of faith and salvation?to all people

    His  Eminence Metropolitan Anthony, Presiding Hierarch of the Diocese of
San Francisco and Host of the Congress, is asking all parishes to elect and
register their delegates to the Congress, which will be held in conjunction
with  the  National Philoptochos Convention at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel
in  downtown  Los Angeles.  Prior to the meeting of the Congress, the Young
Adult League (YAL) will hold their annual conference at the nearby Biltmore
Hotel  from  June 28 to July 1.  During the Congress, meetings will be held
by   the   National   Sisterhood   of  Presvyteres?celebrating  their  20th
anniversary,  the  Archdiocesan  Presbyters  Council, the National Forum of
Church  Musicians,  the  Retired  Clergy  Association, and the Order of St.

    The  Clergy  Laity Congress will begin on Sunday morning, June 30 with a
Hierarchical  Liturgy  at  the Los Angeles Convention Center.  The day will
also  include  the  official  opening  and  ribbon cutting ceremony for the
Exhibit  Hall  and  the Greek Heritage Museum, a temporary display of Greek
costumes and other cultural items.  On Sunday evening a welcoming reception
will be hosted at the St. Sophia Cathedral.

    The  schedule of the Congress will offer daily opportunities for worship
services,  including  the Divine Liturgy each morning and Compline services
each  evening.   On  Monday, July 1, the Liturgy will be offered in Spanish
with  music provided by the Orthodox children of the St. Innocent Orphanage
in  Tijuana.   On  Tuesday  the  Liturgy  will be offered in English and on
Wednesday in Albanian.

    The Educational Program for this year's Clergy Laity Congress will offer
to  participants  an  extensive  schedule  of  sessions  that will focus on
presenting  guidance  and  resources  for  Offering  Our  Orthodox Faith to
Contemporary  America.   With  a  strong  emphasis  on  education  and  the
development  and  enhancement of ministry, the program will include over 40
diversified  sessions designed to equip the faithful for the continued work
and  growth  of ministry within the parishes as critical both in offering a
true  witness  of  our faith and in addressing the tremendous challenges of
our  contemporary  world.   Sessions  will be offered by the Departments of
Religious  Education,  Youth  and  Young  Adults,  Philanthropy, Family and
Interfaith  Marriage, Greek Education, Communications, Internet Ministries,
as  well  as  the  Ecumenical Office.  Further sessions will be held on the
topics  of Stewardship, Home Missions, Ministry in the Small Parish, Senior
Adult  Ministry, Art and Architecture, Environmental Issues, Preaching, and
Church Libraries and Book Fairs.

    The official opening meeting of the Congress will be on Monday morning

     July  1,  when  Archbishop  Demetrios  will  offer his keynote address.
Educational sessions and committee meetings will continue through Wednesday
July  3.   Plenary sessions of the Congress are scheduled for Wednesday and

    The  National  Philoptochos  Reception and Dinner is schedule for Monday
evening  July  1,  and  a  cultural  event at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
Tuesday  evening, July 2, will feature a celebration of Greek folk heritage
in  music  and  dancing.   The  Fourth  of  July will feature an Ecumenical
Doxology  at  the  St.  Sophia  Cathedral, and the Congress will officially
close  with  the  Grand  Banquet  that evening.  On Friday morning, July 5,
there will be a Clergy Breakfast with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios

    Information and registration are available online at

              Schedule for 36th Biennial Clergy Laity Congress
                           June 30 ? July 5, 2002
                               Los Angeles, CA
Sunday ? June 30

  8:00am ?   9:30am       Orthros
  9:30am ? 12:30pm   Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
  2:00pm ?   6:30pm  Organizational Meetings and Receptions
  4:30pm        Exhibit Hall Opening
  7:00pm ? 10:00pm   Welcome Fest ? St. Sophia Cathedral

Monday ? July 1

   7:00am ?   8:30am Divine Liturgy (Spanish)
   9:00am ? 10:30am Opening Ceremonies and Keynote Address
11:00am ?  1:00pm   Educational Sessions
10:30am ?  6:00pm   National Philoptochos Meeting
  2:00pm ?   6:00pm  Committee/Organization Meetings
  4:00pm ?   6:00pm  Educational Sessions
  7:00pm ? 10:00pm   National Philoptochos Dinner
10:30pm        Compline Service

Tuesday ? July 2

  7:00am ?  8:30am   Divine Liturgy (English)
  9:00am ? 11:00am   Committee/Organization Meetings
  9:00am ?  5:00pm   National Philoptochos Meeting
11:00am ? 1:00pm    Educational Sessions
  2:00pm ?  6:00pm   Committee/Organization Meetings
  4:00pm ?  6:00pm   Educational Sessions
  8:00pm ? 10:00pm   Cultural Event ? Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
10:30pm        Compline Service

Wednesday ? July 3

  7:00am ?   8:30am  Divine Liturgy (Albanian)
  9:00am ? 11:00am   Committee/Organization Meetings
  9:00am ?   6:00pm  National Philoptochos General Session
11:00am ? 1:00pm    First Plenary Session
  2:00pm ?   6:00pm  Second Plenary Session
  6:00pm ? 10:30pm   Organization Receptions/Meetings
  7:00pm ? 10:00pm   Clergy Family Forum
10:30pm        Compline Service

Thursday ? July 4

9:00am ? 12:00noon Third Plenary Session
2:00pm ?  4:00pm    Ecumenical Doxology ? St. Sophia Cathedral
6:30pm ?  7:30pm    Grand Banquet Reception
7:30pm         Grand Banquet

Friday ? July 5

8:00am ? 10:00am    Clergy Breakfast with Archbishop Demetrios

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