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Date Thu, 23 May 2002 19:43:04 -0700


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May 22, 2002
CONTACT: Harriet Kuliopulos, Director of Public Relations
Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
(617) 850-1259


Brookline, MA?The warmth and joy of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek
Orthodox School of Theology's graduation exercises stood in direct contrast
to the cold, stormy weather on Saturday, May 18th. Notwithstanding the rain
and snow, Pappas Auditorium was filled with family, friends and well
wishers of the Class of 2002 as His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Primate
of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, presided over the 60th annual
commencement exercises.

The joyful atmosphere of commencement was further heightened by a surprise
from commencement speaker, Chairman and CEO of E*Trade Group Dr. Christos
M. Cotsakos and his wife Tami, who announced a gift of one million dollars
to the School in honor of the Classes of 2002. In this time of growth and
change at Hellenic College and Holy Cross, the Rev. Nicholas Triantafilou,
President, on behalf of the entire HC/HC community, thanked Dr. and Mrs.
Cotsakos for their extraordinary generosity.

Hellenic  College  was  pleased  to  honor  Dr. Cotsakos and Dr. Anthony J.
Limberakis  with  the  Honorary  Degree  of  Doctor  of Humanities, and the
Reverends  Anthony  M.  Coniaris  and  Dean  Timothy Andrews with the Three
Hierarchs  Medal.  The  valedictorians  were Calliope Chisnall for Hellenic
College and Panteleimon Dalianis for Holy Cross.

Hellenic College and Holy Cross commencement exercises officially began
during Vespers on the eve of graduation, during which His Eminence
Archbishop Demetrios conferred the school cross on the graduates of Holy
Cross. In the intimacy of the chapel?not only a place of worship, but also
a place of preparation for the graduates?His Eminence exhorted the
graduates to serve Christ the healer through whom we receive the fullness
of truth.

On Saturday morning, after processing into Pappas Auditorium, His Eminence
began commencement exercises with an Invocation and was joined by everyone
in singing the hymn of Easter, Christos Anesti, Christ Is Risen. In his
Salutation, President Triantafilou, thanked everyone for journeying with
the graduates to this day and quoted a prayer from Matins, to "Be mindful,
Lord of those who keep the vigil and sing Your Glory, and that of Your
only-begotten Son and our God, and of Your Holy Spirit."

On Saturday, the HC/HC community said goodbyes not only to the new
graduates, but to two dignitaries who have been important friends and loyal
supporters of the school: The Honorable George Chatzimichelakis, Consul
General of Greece and Eve Condakes, President of the National Philoptochos
Society. President Triantafilou thanked Mrs. Condakes for her leadership
and the donation of $50,000 to the school by the National Philoptochos. His
Eminence gave Mr. Chatzimichelakis a gift and thanked him for his support
of the school during his time in Boston.
In addition to greetings from Mrs. Condakes and Mr. Chatzimichelakis, Mr.
George Behrakis, Vice Chair of the Hellenic College and Holy Cross Board of
Trustees and Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, Dean of Holy Cross greeted the
audience. In his remarks, Mr. Behrakis urged the Holy Cross graduates to
"preach Orthodoxy and Hellenism to the best of their ability" and the
Hellenic College graduates to "strive for excellence in whatever they do."
Fr. Clapsis asked the audience to empower the graduates with their prayers
and embrace them with their love and they, as our hope and future, will
offer us the best of what they are?the image of Christ.

After striking renditions of "America-Our Heritage" and "Easter Alleluia"
by the Hellenic College and Holy Cross Chorale and Brass Choir, under the
direction of Constantine Limberakis, Calliope Chisnall gave her Valedictory
Address. Ms. Chisnall, a religious studies major from Nassau, Bahamas, was
introduced by fellow graduate Dn. Paul Pappas, as a loving, talented, hard
worker who contributed much of her personal time to good works such as
retreats, student orientation, and international missions. Ms. Chisnall
demonstrated her wit and theological knowledge with a humorous adaptation
of St. John Chrysostom's powerful Paschal Homily.

Class President Dn. Michael Prevas introduced Holy Cross Valedictorian
Panteleimon P. G. Dalianis as a person full of love and admiration for the
saints, who is always trying to improve himself and exerts a positive
influence on others. In his address, Mr. Dalianis set forth a challenge for
Orthodoxy in America to produce more indigenous saints because he believes
the number of saints the Church produces is its measure. Mr. Dalianis will
spend the next year in Thessaloniki, Greece studying Modern Greek and Canon

The Three Hierarchs medal was presented to the Rev. Dean Anthony Andrews, a
member of the first graduating class of Holy Cross in 1942, who served as a
pastor in several communities and also as Director of the HC/HC Library for
many years. Also receiving the Three Hierarchs Medal was the Rev. Anthony
M. Coniaris, Holy Cross graduate of 1948, who was honored for his
forty-four year ministry to St. Mary's Church in Minneapolis, MN, for his
many books on Orthodoxy for the general public, for his establishment of
the internationally-known publishing house Light and Life Publishing
Company, and for his renown as a homilist.

Honorary degree recipient Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis is National Commander
of the Order of St. Andrew and a practicing radiologist. As an Archon of
the Church, he has worked to raise money and strengthen ties to the
Ecumenical Patriarchate. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of HC/HC
and is an active alumnus of Duke University Medical Center.

Dr. Christos M. Cotsakos, who also delivered the commencement address,
received the honorary doctorate in recognition of his leadership in all of
his endeavors--from the founding of E*Trade, to his distinguished service
to his country in the Vietnam War and for his many philanthropies including
the University of Hanoi, his parish of St. Athanasius in Paramus, New
Jersey and to William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, of which he is an
alumnus.  His $10.5 million gift, the largest donation in the University's
history, will support the College of Business to be renamed the Christos
Michael Cotsakos College of Business. In his address, Dr. Cotsakos
recounted stories from his life that involved taking risks and not fearing
controversy. He also shared with the audience that his life has been
enriched by his Greek heritage and guided by three things: his Orthodox
faith, family, and the guiding principle that you can do anything with a
little courage. He also looked to the graduates as the next generation of
greatness in this troubled world. In concluding his remarks, he announced a
gift of one million dollars for the continued work and growth of the

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, in closing the ceremonies, noted that in
a world of increased insecurity, instability, and a reluctance for
commitment, the new graduates carry the possibility to react to these
forces in a positive way with the firm basis of God and the absolute truth
of the Gospel. He concluded by inviting the graduates to help create the
new face of Christianity in our postmodern world.

Finally, after all the inspiring words and amid cheers and a standing
ovation, the graduates approached the podium to receive their degrees from
Archbishop Demetrios. This year's class sizes were small?a total of 26
students, but as Dn. Michael, a 2002 graduate receiving his Master of
Divinity stated about the graduates, "their love for Christ is
overflowing." Hellenic College graduated six students with a Bachelor of
Arts. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology graduated nineteen
students: one Master of Arts in Church Service, four Masters of Theology,
four Masters of Theological Studies, and ten Masters of Divinity. Of all
the graduates, seven are already clergy members. Below is a list of
graduates, their degrees and dioceses.


Religious Studies Major
Calliope Chisnall                                   Metropolis of Central
Dn. Paul G. Pappas                                  Pittsburgh Diocese
John Sanidopoulos                                   Boston Diocese
Ioannis Triantafilou                                     Atlanta Diocese
Ioannis Vernikos                                    Church of Greece
Andrew T. Walsh                                     Chicago Diocese

Elementary Education
Israel G. Collins                                        Antiochian
Archdiocese of America


Master of Arts in Church Service
Fr. Gabriel Rehatta                                 Metropolis of Hong Kong

Master of Theology
Fr. Ilie I. Anitei                                      Church of Romania
Iulia Corduneanu                                   Church of Romania
Alexander G. Dragas                                Boston Diocese
Archimandrate Anastasios Kihali                              Patriarchate
of Alexandria

Master of Theological Studies
Rev. Nicholas M. Bargoot                           Russian Orthodox Church
outside of Russia
Lisa T. Boston                                     Detroit Diocese
Pandeli Dhima                                      Albanian Diocese

Master of Divinity
Athanasius M. Akunda                                    Patriarchate of
Evan A. Amatas                                      Denver Diocese
Panteleimon P.G. Dalianis                               Chicago Diocese
Ryan C. Gzikowski                                  Pittsburgh Diocese
Rev. Dn. John L. Johns                                  Atlanta Diocese
Bus C. Lazarakis                                   Denver Diocese
Dn. Michael K. Prevas                                        Chicago
Elizabeth Scott                                                   Orthodox
Church of America
Michael P. Tervo                                   San Francisco Diocese
Peter J. Thornberg                                 New York Diocese
Richard M. Vanderhoef                                   Chicago Diocese

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