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[PCUSANEWS] "A.G." addresses Media Mission luncheon

Date 16 Jun 2002 20:16:52 -0400

Note #7232 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

"A.G." addresses Media Mission luncheon
June 16, 2002

"A.G." addresses Media Mission luncheon

Pittsburgh Steelers coach is key part of new 'Hands On' program

by Emett Barfield

Columbus, OH - Friends and supporters of the Presbyterian Media Mission gathered for lunch on June 16 to hear a report from Gregg Hartung, PMM's executive director, about its work in the past year. Hartung reported that the latest program in  the life of the 22-year-old organization is a youth service ministry, "Hands On," which brings celebrity athletes and young people together in a faith-building experience of community outreach.

	A key participant in the program is  Anthony "A.G." Griggs, coordinator of player development and assistant strength and conditioning coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League. "A.G." was an NFL linebacker for seven years for the Philadelphia Eagles and Cleveland Browns before joining the Steelers coaching staff.

One of Griggs' coaching responsibilities is to maximizing the players' off-the-field potential. That involves a program of exhaustive physical training and conditioning as well as activities meant to help players mature into responsible and caring citizens. This interest led him to establish the AG Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to helping student-athletes develop life-management skills. 

	Griggs' topic for the luncheon address was "Sharpening Your Sword." He offered four steps people can take to maximize their potential: Understanding, attitude, leadership and perseverance.

The first step is understanding that "life does matter," he said.

Regarding attitude, he said: "Things are neither good nor bad, but thinking makes them so." Griggs shared 12 events in his own life that could have been devastating, but that he was able to overcome with a positive attitude.

 He showed a clip from the film, "Remember the Titans," to illustrate the importance of leadership, and wrapped up with a recommendation of perseverance: "Keep moving forward. Do not move side to side or forward and back, but straight ahead." 
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