From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Montreat elder has good feeling about GA

Date 18 Jun 2002 08:32:47 -0400

Note #7254 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


Montreat elder has good feeling about GA

by Nancy Rodman

COLUMBUS, OH - Elder and Assembly commissioner James Skidmore came to my attention when the Montreat Conference Center was mentioned during Marian McClure's report to the GA's peacemaking and global issues committee. His face glowed with pride as she spoke, and he nodded in vigorous agreement.

Jim lives in Montreat, NC. He served as treasurer of Montreat College from 1965 to 1968. He now works as a public accountant in Asheville.

This isn't Skidmore's first Assembly. He attended last year's as an observer, orienting himself for his service this year as a commissioner from Western North Carolina Presbytery. He attended many annual assemblies of the former Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (PCUS) as an observer. He has particularly fond and vivid memories of when the Rev. Nelson Bell was PCUS moderator.

Skidmore's greatest expectation for this Assembly has already been met, with the election of Fahed Abu-Akel as moderator. "I think Fahed will be a real inspiration and revival to our purpose, because he's so strong on missions, and he treats everybody as family. He will be a real boost to the church, because he welcomes all people."

The peacemaking and global issues committee, he said, is an interesting panel with interesting issues on its agenda. "The issue of non-violence needs to be addressed," he said. He also is interested in the criteria for calling long-term missionaries: "We've gotten away from career missionaries," he said, "and even though finances are an issue, he'll find the money."

Skidmore said his Assembly experience tells him that "the church is alive, and we're seeking what the Lord would have us do. That is evident in what has happened so far, with the emphasis on our being Christ's ambassadors. It's about sharing faith, not only with family, but with our neighbors and the people we work with." 
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