From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Hispanic ministries celebrated in song

Date 20 Jun 2002 09:12:29 -0400

Note #7282 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


Hispanic ministries celebrated in song

by Emett Barfield

COLUMBUS, OH - Hispanic Presbyterians gathered on June 18 to dine and share news about what's going on in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Hector Rodriguez, associate for Hispanic affairs in the Congregational Ministries Division, welcomed the guests and introduced his three daughters, Noemi, Sara, and Esther, who kicked off the festivities with a song.

Rodriguez presented an update on the work of Hispanic ministries since last year's General Assembly. "The Spanish world is alive and well and hard at work," he said, "and the Spanish ministry is working right along with it." Pointing out that "one out of eight people in this country are Hispanic, he told participants: "This gives us a great opportunity."

As an example of thriving ministries to Hispanic Americans, Rodriguez pointed to the recent creation of an organization for Hispanic youth. He reaffirmed his own commitment to develop new and more effective models of ministry.

The program concluded with PowerPoint presentation titled "Memories: Remembering 2001-2002," featuring photographs of Hispanics and others taking part in the Presbyterian Women's gathering, the Men's Assembly, and an educational event held in Mexico. 
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