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ABCUSA: Williams Resigns HR, Legal Counsel Posts

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Sun, 23 Jun 2002 02:25:49 -0400

American Baptist News Service (6/22/02)--Barbara A. Williams, Esq.,
associate general secretary and legal counsel of the American Baptist
Churches USA, has announced her resignation, effective Aug. 23.

Williams, who has served in her present positions since 1989, oversees the
denomination's human resource program, travel and conference planning and
Biennial Meeting planning, and acts as its legal counsel.  She staffs
various committees of the General Board and its program boards.

Williams joined the staff of American Baptist Churches in Educational
Ministries in 1981, and served that board during the 1980s as director of
public relations, director of human resources, director of the department of
external relations and associate executive director.  

Prior to that she was an educator, academic administrator and management

A native of Illinois, she holds a B.S. degree in communication from Northern
Illinois University, an M.A. degree in communication from Purdue University
and a J.D. from Villanova University School of Law.

Colleagues on the Office of the General Secretary Council expressed
appreciation for her work:

"Barbara always has sought to serve our entire American Baptist family with
all of her heart, gifts and skill," noted American Baptist Churches USA
General Secretary the Rev. A. Roy Medley.  "As an executive minister I
always found Barbara a wonderful resource on a wide range of legal and human
resource issues."

The Rev. Dr. Cheryl H. Wade, associate general secretary and treasurer,
said, "Barbara Williams has served the denomination with devotion to the
cause of Christ with integrity and energy.  She has played numerous critical
roles during her 21 years of service due to the multifaceted nature of her
gifts that range from a compassionate listening ear to well-honed legal
analytical ability." 

According to Associate General Secretary for World Mission Support Robert J.
Crandall, "Barbara's insight and analytical skills are highly valued.  Even
more, her friendship and interaction as a colleague will be missed."

The Rev. Dr. Fred W. Thompson, associate general secretary for Regional
Ministries, said, "Barbara has served the ABC for many years in many
capacities and always with integrity and commitment.  She has often been
placed in the position of having to make the decision that was not popular
but which has proved correct in the long run.  She will be missed for her
expertise, caring and deep love for the ABC."

"It has been a pleasure to be a colleague and friend over many years and to
witness Barb's many significant contributions to American Baptist life,"
said Richard W. Schramm, deputy general secretary for Communication. "Her
consummate professionalism always has been evident in the sensitive areas of
denominational human resource and legal considerations, and she brings to
every endeavor a commitment both to the task and to the needs of the people

American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (610)768-2077; fax:

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