From the Worldwide Faith News archives

LWF Tenth Assembly to Proceed as Scheduled

From "Frank Imhoff" <>
Date Thu, 05 Jun 2003 10:56:01 -0500

With Regard to SARS General Secretary Promises Necessary
Precautions will be in Place in Winnipeg

WINNIPEG, Canada/GENEVA, 29 May 2003 (LWI) - The Lutheran World
Federation (LWF) is satisfied that the SARS outbreak in Canada has
been curbed and will not negatively impact on the forthcoming LWF
Tenth Assembly to be held in Winnipeg.

Addressing a press conference during a visit to Winnipeg LWF
General Secretary, Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko said the Assembly will
proceed as scheduled at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, July
21-31, with over 1,000 participants expected, including more than
430 delegates from the 136 LWF member churches in 76 countries

On April 23, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned people not
to travel to Toronto, Canada's largest city, because of an
outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome that claimed the
lives of 16 people. The international advisory was lifted a week
later but not before casting a chill on travel to Toronto. More
recently, Canadian health authorities re-instated strict controls
on Toronto area hospitals after new cases were found on patients
there. But the global health body did not impose another warning
against travel to the city.

Noko said the LWF has made some "very strong inquiries" about the
situation in Canada. But there was never any consideration given
to delaying or relocating the Assembly because of SARS, he said.

"It never came to a question of postponing the event. I never had
to call the [LWF] Executive Committee to come and discussthat,"
Noko told reporters at the Winnipeg news conference.

"We are satisfied with the health arrangements on this matter, he

Even so, the LWF will take precautions at the Assembly against any
possibility that would expose persons to the risk of contracting
SARS. He cited the distribution of the Eucharist during worship
services, of which the practice is to use a common cup during Holy
Communion. He noted that individual cups will be available as an
option. Also, medical staff will be on hand to offer the necessary

"Whatever we do with the choices and options we are giving, the
integrity of the [Lutheran] communion is not undermined," Noko

The general secretary was in Winnipeg to promote the LWF Assembly,
which is being held for only the second time in North America and
the first time in Canada since the Federation's founding in 1947.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) with 188,000
baptized members in 627 congregations throughout the nation, is
hosting the Assembly. He attended an ELCIC pep rally for the
event, May 23.

Noko's visit coincided with the announcement of Canada's first
case of BSE or "mad cow disease" in the province of Alberta. The
United States has closed its border to live cattle from Canada and
other countries have banned Canadian beef as a result.

Diseases such as SARS and BSE tend, ironically, to highlight the
theme of the LWF's Tenth Assembly "For the Healing of the World,"
because they are disruptive and damaging to people and nations,
Noko said.

"SARS is a concern to all of us because it is not just a disease
that threatens human life but also stigmatizes," he said. "These
days the Canadians are experiencing stigmatization. This is making
Canadians more sensitive to stigmatization and marginalization."

Noko said preparations for the Assembly in Winnipeg are going
well, despite some hitches outside Canada. In one case, the
Canadian Embassy in Bogota, Colombia has denied visas to two of
three Colombian delegaes applying to attend the Assembly. He said
the LWF believes it to be a "technical error" and is negotiating
with Canadian officials to have the decision reversed.

Noko expressed his conviction that the Assembly will be "a rainbow
of nations, cultures and churches." Besides Lutheran delegates and
visitors, ecumenical visitors will include Walter Cardinal Kasper,
President of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity, as well as representatives from Anglican,
Methodist and other churches.

(Written for LWI by Winnipeg-based journalist Ron Friesen,
agricultural reporter, Manitoba Co-operator)

(The LWF is a global communion of Christian churches in the
Lutheran tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund (Sweden), the LWF now
has 136 member churches in 76 countries representing over 61.7
million of the 65.4 million Lutherans worldwide. The LWF acts on
behalf of its member churches in areas of common interest such as
ecumenical and interfaith relations, theology, humanitarian
assistance, human rights, communication, and the various aspects
of mission and development work. Its secretariat is located in
Geneva, Switzerland.)

[Lutheran World Information (LWI) is LWF's information service.
Unless specifically noted, material presented does not represent
positions or opinions of the LWF or of its various units. Where
the dateline of a article contains the notation (LWI), the
material may be freely reproduced with acknowledgment.]

*	*	*
PO Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
English Editor: Pauline Mumia
Tel: (41.22) 791.63.54
Fax: (41.22) 791.66.30

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