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ABCUSA: Cortez Elected Executive Director Of International Ministries

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:45:12 -0400

American Baptist News Service (Richmond, Va. 6/24/03)--In a unanimous vote
here during its semiannual sessions today, the American Baptist Churches USA
Board of International Ministries elected the Rev. Hictor M. Cortez to be
the next executive director of International Ministries.  

Cortez, associate executive director for Community Transformation and
Justice for American Baptist National Ministries, is a commissioned American
Baptist home missionary.  He has long served as a denominational leader in
the development of multicultural and cross-cultural ministries within
American Baptist Churches USA.	

Cortez will succeed the Rev. Dr. John A. Sundquist, who will be retiring
this August after 14 years of leadership.  Cortez was the choice of a search
committee chaired by American Baptist Churches USA General Secretary the
Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley.

Board of International Ministries President the Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick G.
Cohall responded to the election:  "I join my colleagues on the Board of
International Ministries in congratulating the Rev. Hictor Cortez on his
election as the new executive director of the American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society.  His leadership abilities and experience will be invaluable
as he joins a team of gifted leaders in implementing the Go Global strategic
plan.  I am confident that Hictor will be able to build new relationships
with churches and groups that have tremendous possibilities in strengthening
the American Baptist church family."

Medley has commended Cortez for his "effective and inspired leadership in a
wide range of ministries that are at the core of our American Baptist
witness and outreach."	Medley has described Cortez as "a motivator and a
visionary, a man of deep faith in Jesus Christ who has responded decisively
to God's call to service.  He is an inspired choice to lead International
Ministries as it implements its Go Global plan for Christ-centered global
mission within the changing paradigms of multicultural witness."
Cortez has served since 1998 as associate executive director of National
Ministries, initially for Biblical Justice. He has been responsible for the
work of the following home mission programs: Reconciliation Ministries,
Socially Responsible Investing and Ecology, Economic Justice, Legislative
Advocacy, Family Life Ministries and Small Church Ministries, Direct Human
Services, Community-based Ministries and American Baptist Homes and

Under the leadership of Cortez a successful partnership was established with
the American Baptist Churches of the South to sponsor New Life Florida, a
denominational strategy for growing and developing congregations in Florida.

Cross-cultural ministry has always been a focus of his work.  As interim
senior minister and pastor of the Hispanic Congregation at North Shore
Baptist Church, Chicago, from 1986-1990 he served Euro-Americans, Filipinos,
Japanese, Hispanics and others.  As area minister in Southeast Massachusetts
from 1990-1995 he served 91 churches encompassing African-American,
Portuguese/Brazilian, Hispanic and Chinese congregations.  He has been
involved in mission projects in Mexico, Nicaragua, Germany, Australia, Cuba,
Spain and South Africa.  

He also has led National Ministries' effort to identify and minister to
emerging immigrant groups within the U.S.
Cortez joined the National Ministries staff in 1995, and as director of
Hispanic/Latino/Haitian Ministries from 1995 to 1998 he developed leadership
and strengthened congregations to enable National Ministries and other
American Baptist groups to respond positively to the challenges emerging
from the various Hispanic/Latino communities.  He served as National
Ministries' liaison with the American Baptist Hispanic Caucus, Spanish
American Baptist Seminary and the Hispanic Executive Staff Council.  He also
related to and supported American Baptist Haitian and Brazilian/Portuguese
ministries and churches.

Cortez provided leadership for the six-year Hispanic initiative called
"Visisn 2001," an endeavor to plant churches, reach new believers and
produce resources for spiritual growth, Christian education and theological
training, stewardship and mission. The initiative laid groundwork for the
denominational growth and renewal emphasis called NEW LIFE 2010.

His ministry experience includes service and as pastor/director of Kansas
City Hispanic Ministries from 1984-1986.

Cortez holds the M.Div. degree from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary, Evanston,
Ill., and the B.A. from Judson College, Elgin, Ill.  He currently is
enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry Degree program at McCormick Theological
Seminary, Chicago.

International Ministries, whose overseas ministries began in 1814, currently
is guided by a 10-year strategic plan, Go Global, that focuses its work in
several areas: Evangelism and Discipleship, Christ-like Mission, Equipping
Leaders, Mission Education, Urban Mission and Mission Explosion.

Richard W. Schramm
Deputy General Secretary for Communication
American Baptist Churches USA
P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851

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