From the Worldwide Faith News archives

(LWF) International Lutheran Crowd Dances, Claps, Sings,Praises

From "Frank Imhoff" <>
Date Mon, 28 Jul 2003 18:24:33 -0500

LWF Tenth Assembly, Winnipeg, Canada, 21-31 July 2003


International Lutheran Crowd Dances, Claps, Sings, Praises to God at The
"Healing the Land" Worship Theatre Enthralls, Inspires

WINNIPEG, Canada, 28 July 2003 * Approximately 1,500 people from all over
the world were at The Forks yesterday despite the broiling summer sun and no
shade.	Participants in the Tenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF) gathered in the fields in front of the giant stage to sing, dance,
clap, pray and praise the Lord along with Jon Buller and the band Freeman,
the Christian rock band Krystaal and a superb Worship Theatre experience
entitled "Healing the Land."

Some folks welcomed the beating sun after a week of meetings in
air-conditioned rooms.	Others protected themselves with umbrellas, visors
and even hats fashioned out of the day's edition of the The Source, the
Assembly newspaper.  But no one left.  The entertainment and worship
presentations held everyone's attention and, together with the sun, warmed
their hearts and souls.

The worship theatre was an elaborate and flawless execution of "blessing,
lament and hope" for the four elements of life: earth, air, water and fire. 
In chorus, dance, mime, song and readings in four languages from the Genesis
story, the theatre portrayed the human spoiling of the four basic elements of
creation, culminating in a resounding "sending" rendition of "Walking in the
Light of God."	

A special offering was taken for the LWF Endowment Fund.

Delegates had received coupons to help them enjoy the offerings at The
Forks, including dozens of concession stands sellin local specialty foods,
arts and crafts.  

The worship theatre and musical shows were not the only entertainment. 
Canadian Indigenous peoples performed in music and dance, as did several
musical groups in The Forks amphitheatre. 

The Tenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is taking place
21-31 July 2003 in Winnipeg, Canada, under the theme "For the Healing of the
World." It is being hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

There are almost 800 men, women and youth participants in the Tenth Assembly
including 369 delegates from the 133 churches with full membership and three
associate members. The Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the
LWF, and meets normally every six years. Between Assemblies, the LWF is
governed by its Council that meets annually, and by its Executive Committee.

Further information including photos, video and audio news, is posted on the
Assembly Web site 

To order photographs, please contact 

*	*	*

The LWF is a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran
tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund (Sweden), the LWF now has 136 member
churches in 76 countries representing over 61.7 million of the 65.4 million
Lutherans worldwide. 

The LWF acts on behalf of its member churches in areas of common interest
such as ecumenical and interfaith relations, theology, humanitarian
assistance, human rights, communication, and the various aspects of mission
and development work. Its secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

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