From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ABCUSA: Hunt Calls American Baptists to 'Move Forward in Life-Giving

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Sat, 15 Nov 2003 10:45:49 -0500


American Baptist News Service (Valley Forge, Pa. 11/15/03)--In his address
to the General Board of American Baptist Churches USA yesterday, ABCUSA
President David Hunt maintained that American Baptists are offering "a
powerful witness in our world" and that "exciting things are happening
because of American Baptists."

Utilizing the board meeting Scripture of Exodus 14:10-30-the Israelites
crossing the Red Sea-Hunt said that while "it's so easy to get stuck, to
become discouraged," the challenge is to gauge "how high our confidence is
that God will move American Baptists forward in life-giving ways."

He pointed to the "rich history, strategic mission sites and tremendous
ministry opportunities" within American Baptist life, exemplified by the
vital work of church planting, discipleship and evangelism.	

"God has given us a map," he said, noting that "NEW LIFE 2010, Go Global,
our increasing diversity and youth presence, collaborative new and creative
ways to raise funding all are about going forward."

Hunt thanked the board for "helping me go forward in so many ways" through
its "partnership, support and advice."	In his final address as president,
he challenged the board and all American Baptists "to think about how we can
go forward to do things in ways God wants us to do them."

Hunt, a layman from Milwaukie, Oreg., will complete a two-year term as
president this December.  He is executive director of the Columbia River
Channel Coalition and a Democratic state representative in Oregon. 


American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (800)ABC-3USA x2077
/ (610)768-2077; fax: (610)768-2320;;

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