From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ABCUSA: Langhorne Installed as NCMAF Chair

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Mon, 2 Feb 2004 14:27:32 -0500

American Baptist News Service (Valley Forge, Pa. 2/2/04)--The Rev. Dr.
George A. Langhorne, American Baptist National Ministries' chaplaincy and
pastoral counseling services endorsing agent, was installed as chair of the
National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces (NCMAF) in December.

A non-governmental, ecumenical organization, NCMAF is made up of
representatives from more than 250 religious denominations and faith groups
who coordinate recruitment and endorsement of their bodies' military
chaplains. These representatives serve as the point of contact between
military clergy and their endorsing denomination or faith group and provide
oversight and support of military chaplains' work.

Langhorne will become past chair in December 2004. He will be a member of
NCMAF's executive committee through 2005, when he completes his term as past

After serving 25 years as a Navy chaplain Langhorne joined National
Ministries in 1999 as director of Missionary and Staff Services and was
named director of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Services in 2000. He
was commissioned as an American Baptist home missionary in June 2000.

Currently 152 military chaplains are endorsed by American Baptist Churches
USA-73 for active duty and 79 for the reserves. Many reserve-endorsed
chaplains are also activated and deployed today. American Baptist chaplains
are serving troops around the clock and around the world, including
high-risk locations such as Iraq and Afghanistan.  


American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (800)ABC-3USA x2077
/ (610)768-2077; fax: (610)768-2320;;

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