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[PCUSANEWS] Nancy Kahaian elected GAC chair

Date Tue, 17 Feb 2004 08:57:16 -0600

Note #8122 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

Nancy Kahaian elected GAC chair
February 14, 2004

Nancy Kahaian elected GAC chair

California executive Paul Masquelier to be vice chair

by Bill Lancaster

LOUISVILLE - The Rev. Nancy C. Kahaian, pastor of First Presbyterian Church
in Michigan City, IN, was elected chair of the General Assembly Council (GAC)
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) on the first ballot on Feb. 13.

Kahaian is a member at large of the GAC executive committee and also chairs
the Mission Work Plan Group, which has developed a major proposal to
prioritize GAC mission programs.

She earned an M.Div. degree from Yale University Divinity School and a B.A.
from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. She was born in Wilmington, DE.

"It's an honor to be entrusted with the ministry, and to serve the church,"
she said. "I'm really grateful. It is a joy, too, to be with these
people-because I really believe we love the church and want collectively the
best for her to move forward."

Kahaian said her leadership style is collaborative: "That was part of the
structure of the Mission Work Plan Team, to collaborate and get feedback from
people and understand that there is a collective wisdom here and be willing
to honor that."

The Rev. Paul J. Masquelier, Jr., a retired presbytery executive from San
Jose, CA, was elected vice chair on the third ballot.

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