From the Worldwide Faith News archives

ABCUSA: Global Day of Prayer for Burma Set for Sunday, March 14

From "SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Date Fri, 12 Mar 2004 15:14:42 -0500

American Baptist News Service (Valley Forge, Pa. 3/12/04)--The Rev. Stan
Murray, area director for Southeast Asia/Japan for American Baptist
International Ministries, is urging American Baptists to lift up the Global
Day of Prayer for Burma set for Sunday, March 14. 

"The 650,000 Baptists in Burma invite you to join them this Sunday to pray
for their country," Murray said.  "In the face of daunting difficulties, our
brothers and sisters in Christ continue to move forward to build the Kingdom
of God. If you would make it a point to spare some time on your knees on
Sunday, it would be a blessing for you and for them." 

"Once a country replete with natural resources and the promise of being the
most developed nation in southeast Asia, Burma today is only a shadow of its
former self," he noted.  "Daily life for the people of Burma has become
extremely difficult. There are tens of thousands of refugees in Thailand and
other nearby countries who want to return to their homeland but cannot
because of the unrest. As American Baptists who look to Burma as our first
overseas mission field, we continue to be actively involved in a number of
projects, scholarship aid to students, especially on the graduate level, and
in providing aid to Burma's Border Consortium that oversees the housing and
feeding of refugees from Burma in Thailand. We often have American Baptist
volunteers working in the refugee camps as well."

"Please use this Sunday to pray for God to intervene in a powerful way and
enable Christ to be made known more fully in Burma," Murray said.


American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (800)ABC-3USA x2077
/ (610)768-2077; fax: (610)768-2320;;

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