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AACC - NEPAD is a new symbol of hope

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Tue, 30 Mar 2004 10:56:26 -0800

All Africa Conference of Churches
    Tel: 254 - 20 - 4441483, 4441338/9 7 Fax: 254 - 20- 4443241, 4445835
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General Secretariat: Waiyaki Way,
P.O. Box 14205 , 00800 Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya


NEPAD is a new symbol of hope

By Mitch Odero

NAIROBI (LWF) March 28 - The New Partnership for Africa's Development 
(NEPAD) is a new symbol of hope for Africa.  This was affirmed by the Chief 
Executive Officer of NEPAD Kenya Secretariat Mr. Pete Ondeng.

Addressing participants of Interfaith Regional peace summit from Horn of 
Africa, East and Central Africa, Mr. Ondeng underlined that NEPAD is also 
"a new spirit of optimism emanating from the continent, a historic 
opportunity for both Africa and the international community to work 
together" in a renewed spirit of partnership.

He stressed that NEPAD is African initiated, developed, owned and managed 
by Africa.

For NEPAD to be advanced however, it must take "root at the national level 
requiring that ownership of the NEPAD vision "must be expanded to local 
populations as well as to the wider network local, regional and 
international stakeholders in Africa's development," Mr. Ondeng emphasized

He cautioned that transformation of Africa "is not a short-term 
project.  That transformation will require an enduring commitment from all 
of us who form this new partnership".

Noting that NEPAD has been criticized for non-participation by governments 
in the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), he said that contrary to the 
critics, four countries have offered to start the process.  They are Kenya, 
Rwanda, Mauritius and Ghana.

The mechanism, he explained, is an instrument with which countries 
voluntarily engage in self-monitoring relating to democracy, governance and 
socio-economic development.

Since APRM is sensitive, touching on the quality of leadership, one of the 
frustrations being experienced is lack of sincerity in its implementation, 
he pointed out.

He called on the faith community to embrace the values and vision of NEPAD 
so as to help in the institutionalization of commitments of political 
leaders as NEPAD addressed issues such as good governance, peace and 
security as well as poverty.

NEPAD, he stressed, must be an inclusive and participatory process "where 
all work together for positive goals".

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