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GOAA - Advisory Committee on Science and Technology to offer

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Date Fri, 02 Jul 2004 16:35:29 -0700

8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0215

   For Immediate Release

   July 1, 2004

   Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and Technology to Host a
   One-Day Series of Panel Presentations Before the Clergy-Laity Congress

   New York, NY - The Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and
   Technology of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will be offering
   a series of panel presentations on Saturday, July 24 at the New York
   Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway in Manhattan.  The panel presentations,
   which are open to the public, will be held prior to the official start of
   the 37th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress, and will feature distinguished
   scientists, medical professionals, and theologians from across our
   country and the globe.

   Each panel presentation will be followed by general panel and floor
   discussion.	A detailed program including topics and panelists is
   included below.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate,
   especially those who are interested in reflecting upon the integration of
   science with the Orthodox Christian faith.  Clergy are asked to publicize
   this program in their parish publications, and to encourage their
   parishioners to attend.

   All panel presentations will be held in the Wilder Room on the 4th floor
   of the Marriott, and will begin promptly at 10:00am-12:00Noon with
   Subcommittee I of the AACST presenting on the topic "Bioethics and
   Medical Issues."  Subcommittee II will follow after lunch, from
   2:00pm-4:00pm on the topic "Energy, Environment, and Economics", and
   Subcommittee III will conclude from 4:30pm-6:30pm on the topic "Physical
   Sciences and Advanced Technology."

   For more information on these panel presentations, please contact the
   Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and Technology by email at

   The Archdiocesan Advisory Committee on Science and Technology
   A Series of Panel Presentations

   Subcommittee I - Bioethics and Medical Issues
   10:00am - 12:00pm

   Chair: His Grace Bishop Gerasimos of Krateia

   1.  Prof. Herman T. Engelhardt
       Topic: The Challenge of an Orthodox Christian Bioethics in the Ruins
   of  Christendom
   2.  Mark A. Leondires, MD
       Topic:  The Status of Assisted Reproductive Technologies?A Power
   Point Presentation
   3.  Rev Dr. Demetri Demopoulos
       Topic: Theological Overtones of Current Bioethical Problems and
   Pastoral Concerns
   4.  Andrea Kalfoglou, MD
       Topic: Ethical Issues from Reproductive Technologies and Public
   Policy Perspectives

   Subcommittee II-Energy, Environment, and Economics
   2:00pm - 4:00pm

   Chair:  Dr. Achilles G. Adamantiades

   1.  Dr. Achilles G. Adamantiades
       Topic: Ecology and Orthodoxy.

   2.  Dr. Michael Papaioannou
       Topic: Globalization-Challenges and Responses

   3.  Ms. Margarita Tsirigotis-Oge
       Topic: Understanding Climate Change

   Listed Discussant:
	 Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis (environmental issues)

   Subcommittee III-Physical Sciences and Advanced Technology
   4:30pm - 6:30pm

   Chair: Dr. Yiannis Michopoulos

   1.  Dr. Emmanuel Fthenakis
       Topic: Sciences and the Christian Faith

   2.  Dr. Loucas Christophorou
       Topic: The Light-Physical and Spiritual Attributes

   3.  Prof. Haralambos Doumanidis
       Topic: Issues in Nanotechnology

   Listed Discussant:
	 Thomas W. Karras (advanced technologies)

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