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A  Christmas Message From Rev. Troy D. Perry
MCC Founder and Moderator

"For Unto You Is Born This Day	In the City of David,
A Savior, Which Is Christ The Lord." 
-- Gospel of Luke 2:11
December  2004

Dear Friends:

I am sure it is no accident in God's design  that the three holiest days in 
Christendom represent the cycle of our physical  lives... our spiritual 
lives... the fulfillment of our hearts' dreams... and the  work of our

Christmas... the season of new birth.

Good  Friday... the season of death.

Easter... the season of resurrection and  new dreams.

I wonder where you are in the seasons of your own  life?

In my own ministry, I have dealt with so many people this year who  have been

discouraged. Disheartened. Depressed. Worried about the world's  situation. 
I've met many involved in this vital ministry who are weary, near  exhaustion

and over-stressed.

And a look around our world is not  immediately encouraging. War continues in

Iraq, with almost daily loss of life.  Still there is no lasting peace in the

Middle East, nor in the holy city of  Jerusalem. Genocide continues to take 
its toll on the people of the Sudan. The  rate of HIV and AIDS is growing at 
alarming and epidemic rates across  sub-Saharan Africa -- yet continues to be

ignored by much of the world's	governments, media and corporations. In the 
U.S., this year, the LGBT community  experienced demoralizing -- but
temporary! -- 
defeats for equal rights. And this  year, in my own country, the number of 
people in poverty and without adequate	medical care and health insurance
once again.

For  many, discouragement is much more personal and intimate. A hurt from a  
friend. The painful end to a relationship. A life change over which you feel 
no  control. Family struggles. Problems in the workplace. And, yes, the hurts

that  can occur in our own communities of faith.

Believe me, from the external  viewpoint, I can understand why some are 
discouraged and weary.

But this  Christmas season, I invite you to take your eyes off the external 
-- and to  refocus on the eternal.

Together during this season, we draw fresh hope  from the Child of the 
Manager who became the Christ of the Cross. You see,  something profound and
happened on a Judean hillside 2000 years  ago.

In the stillness of that first Christmas night, our world was  forever 

Angels proclaimed a baby's birth.

Shepherds left	their watch to follow their hearts' deepest dreams.

Wise Ones journeyed  vast distances, following a Star of Hope

And in the most humble of  places, a baby was born.

There, surrounded by sheep and cattle, beneath	the starry sky of a wintry 
night, a Mother cradled the new born Jesus -- and in  her arms, she held our 
most noble aspirations of hope, and faith, and	love.

So I wonder, where you are in the seasons of your own  life?

My deepest prayer for you this Christmas season -- the season of  birth -- is

that you will experience a new birth in you own life!

During	these holidays, this is my prayer for you:

God of all ages and God of our lives: I pray for  these four things:

I PRAY that You will bless my friend with the unspeakable joy of new  birth. 
In the name of the Christ Child, I ask that my friend might experience a  new

birth of faith -- faith that causes us to look up, and not down. A new birth 

of strength -- that causes us to move past our weariness and prepares us for 

Your work ahead. A new birth of hope -- that moves us past discouragement to 
see  the possibilities and opportunities waiting for us in the New Year. A
birth  of love -- that lifts us beyond hurts and resentments, to remind us 
that the  Creator of the Universe loves us, watches over us, and holds us

I  PRAY for those this Christmas season, especially my lesbian, gay, bisexual

and  transgender brothers and sisters, who still feel alienated from Your 
love and  presence. Heal the wounds that have become barriers, that they
discover  the "peace that passes understanding" and find life's deepest
within	You.

I  PRAY for each  person who speaks out for social and spiritual justice for 
LGBT people, for  those who take bold stands at personal sacrifice, and for 
those who work to  better our world and from whom we draw hope and strength. 

I PRAY for  this movement of Metropolitan Community Churches to which we have

been called. I	rejoice that thousands of GLBT people of faith, along with 
their families and  friends, have discovered spiritual and personal peace 
through the ministry of  our local MCC congregations. Call forth clergy and
with a passion to plant  new churches, and to carry your message of 
unconditional love to all people  around our world. Keep our hearts focused
upon You.

This Christmas season, in your	joy and in your celebrations, let us together

pray for a birth of new spiritual  vitality -- in our lives, and in our 
churches, and in our world.

In  Christ,

Rev. Troy D. Perry
MCC Founder and  Moderator


For Additional Information, Contact:
MCC  Communications Department
8704 Santa Monica Boulevard, Second Floor
West  Hollywood, CA  90069
Tel. (310) 360-8640, Ext. 226
Website: _ (aoldb://mail/write/  

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