From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Protecting Children from Internet Porn in Taiwan

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Wed, 04 May 2005 12:11:38 -0700

Taiwan Church News 2774 25 April ¡V 1 May 2005

Reported by Chen Yi-shiuan. Written by David Alexander

What can parents do to protect the hearts and minds of their children in
this internet-crazed world? The Neighbour Love Association¡¦s White Thread
Workshop recently published Break Out of the Stupor, a guide to parental
supervision. It introduces the cyber-world and its environment in ways that
parents can easily understand, helping them to set limits on web usage by
their children. The internet¡¦s multifarious environment is seen as a place
where parents must take care lest harm come into their homes.

The workshop invited scholars from some of Taiwan¡¦s leading universities
and activists in many non-governmental organizations to participate in
putting the book together. They contributed ideas from their knowledge of
the kind of sexual materials that are common to internet culture and which
might influence children¡¦s development in a negative fashion.

The association agrees that children have a fundamental ¡§right to know¡¨,
but it is important that what they come to ¡§know¡¨ is truthful and
accurate. Parents have a responsibility to see to it that their children
access the web in ways that do not bring harm. This requires that parents
first be educated so that they can then train their children. Parents have
a fundamental ¡§right and responsibility to monitor and control¡¨ how
children use the net. They also have the duty to provide guidance in
ethical issues brought up by what comes through the web into their homes.

The publication is available for purchase. Profits are dedicated to helping
the workshop promote community and family strengthening activities.

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