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[PCUSANEWS] WCC Assembly will question morality of economic

Date Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:51:29 -0600

Note #9067 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

Jan. 13, 2006

WCC Assembly will question
morality of economic globalization

A world without poverty is both possible
and imperative, draft document asserts

by Juan Michel
WCC News and Information

GENEVA - "A world without poverty is not only possible, but is in keeping
with the grace of God for the world," is an affirmation that will play a
central role at the 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in
Porto Alegre, Brazil, next month.

The six-page document, titled "AGAPE - A Call to love and action,"
summarizes the results of work done by the WCC and ecumenical partners on
economic globalization since the 8th Assembly in Harare in 1998. It calls
churches "to act together for transformation of economic injustice."

The call, in the form of a prayer, will invite Assembly participants
to recommit themselves to work "for the eradication of poverty and
inequality," "for justice in international trade relations" and "for
responsible lending, unconditional debt cancellation and the control and
regulation of global financial markets."

Preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, resistance
against privatization of public goods and services, promotion of land
reforms, advocacy for decent jobs and just wages, and a firm, faith-based
stance against hegemonic powers are among the "recommitments" to which
churches and the wider ecumenical movement will be called.

Alternative to 'logic of globalization'

These proposals have been shared with the churches in advance of the
Assembly. They build on work developed as a response to the WCC's 8th
Assembly, which stated that "the logic of globalization needs to be
challenged by an alternative way of life, of community in diversity."

Programmatic work since Harare has included wide consultations with
churches, social movements and ecumenical bodies - notably the World Alliance
of Reformed Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and the Conference of
European Churches. The process came to be called "AGAPE: Alternative
globalization addressing peoples and earth."

Its findings, proposals and recommendations are outlined in a 60-page
background document with the same title, designed as a study guide for use in
seminars and discussion groups.

The document seeks to address the human tragedies caused by economic
globalization. It reflects an expectation that churches and the ecumenical
family will move beyond a critique of neo-liberal globalization to develop a
vision of a just, compassionate and inclusive world.

Throughout the document, the emphasis is on transformation, in
accordance with the theme of the Feb. 14-23 Assembly, "God, in your grace,
transform the world," Even its title, AGAPE, is derived from the Greek word
for love; it is used in the Bible as an expression of God's abundant grace
and the love of God and neighbor.

Beyond the champagne-glass economy

We live in what the background report calls a "champagne-glass
economy," in which the richest 20 percent of the population owns 83 percent
of the world's wealth, the next 20 percent owns 11 percent, and the remaining
60 percent owns only 6 percent of the world's wealth.

The intolerable levels of poverty that result from this economic
model are condemned in the report, particularly on theological and spiritual

"It is hoped that this document will inspire the churches and the
ecumenical family to address the complex questions around economic injustice,
which is the main challenge of our times," said Rogate Mshana, the WCC
program executive for economic justice.

The full text of the statement "AGAPE Call - for love and action" is
available online at:

The full text of the background document "AGAPE: alternative
globalization addressing peoples and earth" is available online as a PDF file

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