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Anglican Communion Theological work representative of the Provinces

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Date Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:43:04 -0800

ACNS 4095 | ACO | 16 JANUARY 2005

Anglican Communion Theological work fully representative of the Provinces

ACNS, Special Report

Approximately 35 members of the Anglican Communion Working Group on
Theological Education (TEAC) are currently gathering for a major meeting
at Kempton Park Conference Centre near Johannesburg, South Africa. The
meeting will last from 14 - 21 January 2006. The Working Group, which
includes representatives from most of the Anglican Provinces, is holding
its second plenary meeting (the first was in June 2004) to develop the
work it has done to date and to make specific proposals with suggestions
for implementation. The meeting will have a special focus on theological
education in Africa and will include some joint sessions with ANITEPAM
(The African Network of Institutions of Theological Education Preparing
Anglicans for Ministry).

Archbishop Rowan Williams sent his good wishes to the meeting,
commenting 'I trust you will have a stimulating and fruitful
consultation which will significantly move us forwards towards coherent
and workable proposals for the future. I am looking forward eagerly to
hearing of your progress, and I will be praying that you may know the
inspiration and guidance of God's Spirit on all your conversations and

There will be a news report to ACNS about the meeting as soon as
possible after its conclusion.

Note: The Chair of TEAC is Most Revd Greg Venables (Southern Cone);
Vice-Chair, Canon Robert Paterson (Church in Wales); Secretary, Clare
Amos (Anglican Conmmunion Office)

Web sites.
TEAC can be found here:
ANITEPAM can be found here:

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