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Ufford-Chase and Peacock reflect on their term

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Date Mon, 05 Jun 2006 10:48:39 -0400

Presbyterian News Service

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Ufford-Chase and Peacock reflect on their term

Messages from the GA moderator and vice-moderator

Editor's note: This message is reprinted from Continuing the Journey, the periodic newsletter sent by the Office of the General Assembly to commissioners to the 216th General Assembly (2004). - Jerry L. Van Marter

Redefining what Presbyterian looks like

by Rick Ufford-Chase Moderator, 216th General Assembly

TUCSON, AZ - As I enter the last few weeks of my term as moderator of the 216th General Assembly (2004), I am profoundly grateful to to all of you with whom I have served the church during the last two years. In almost every presbytery I have visited, I have reconnected with elder and minister commissioners who, like me, have done their best to be a bridge between the General Assembly and our churches.

I am also hopeful. I'm hopeful because that commitment we made to one another in Richmond - that we would do our utmost to inspire the church to put the missiona nd work of Jesus Christ front and center in our lives - has been affirmed in ways that I never could have imagined.

I've been inspired by missional church efforts wherein our congregations commit to spend less energy on "business as usual" and to reorient themselves around the clear focus to be and to make disciples.

I've been inspired by the country mission networks that are springing up, now close to 30 of them, as Presbyterians work with our long-term mission personnel to find new ways to be in partnership around the world.

I 've been so inspired by the new immigrant fellowships and the fledgling multicultural churches that are beginning to redefine what "Presbyterian" looks like here in the United States.

Finally, I've been inspired by the way young adults are clamoring for more opportunities to give their lives in the service of their faith.

What a wonderful joy it is to be church together!

A gift to serve by Jean Marie Peacock Vice-moderator, 216th General Assembly

NEW ORLEANS - Rick Ufford-Chase and I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as moderator and vice-moderator of the 216th General Assembly (2004).

As June approaches, I find myself reflecting on the experiences of the past two years: visiting immigrant fellowships and multicultural congregations; climbing the high ropes course with young people at Camp Johnsonburg; co-facilitating a travel seminar for Presbyterian college students to Colombia; gutting a hurricane-damaged home in Mississippi with Presbyterians from Campeche, Mexico.

And speaking about mission at gatherings of Presbyterian Women; joining an evangelism effort to the Hispanic community in Syracuse; dancing and singing with sisters and brothers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; sharing personal experiences from Hurricane Katrina to encourage support for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; preaching and worshiping, listening and

conversing with Presbyterians around the country; encouraging and promoting the mission and ministry of Presbyterians in the world.

It is such a gift to serve Christ through the life and ministry of his church. To those who are wrapping up your term as commissioner to the 216th General Assembly (2004), we are thankful for your leadership and service,

not only during these past two years, but also in all the ways that you have and will continue to build up the ministry and mission of Christ's church.

To those who are now preparing to serve as commissioners to the 217th

General Assembly (2006), know that the whole church is grateful for your leadership and will hold you in prayer.

In faithfulness to God and in the unity of the Holy Spirit, may we all continue to serve Christ with loving hearts, open minds, and a willing spirit, praying that what we day and do will be pleasing in God's sight.

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