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WSC-AR Participates in 9/11 Global Congress of World's Religions

From World Sikh Council - America Region <>
Date Tue, 19 Sep 2006 17:03:45 -0400

WSC-AR Participates in 9/11 Global Congress of World's Religions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 19, 2006

Contact: Manmohan Singh, Secretary General, World Sikh Council - America Region, 972-684-4638,

In observance of the 5th year anniversary of 9/11, the World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) participated in a conference "World's Religions After September 11: A Global Congress" held September 11 - 15, 2006 in Montreal, Canada. The conference program focused on the theme "Can religion be a force of good?"

At the Congress, Dr. Manohar Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR, presented a paper on "Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Sikh Religion" as a part of a special symposium organized by the National Council of Churches (NCC) - USA focusing on 'Forgiveness and Reconciliation - Perspectives from Various Religions." Other panel speakers included Rabbi Dr. Daniel Brenner (Director of Center for Multifaith Education at Auburn Theological Seminary), Dr. Thillay Naidoo (Rama Krishna Society of South Africa), and Dr. Muhammad Shafiq (Executive Director of Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue at Nazareth College). The panel was chaired by Professor Jane Smith, Director of Hartford Seminary's MacDonald Center for Study of Islam and Christian Muslim Dialogue. The panel discussion was arranged by Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Associate General Secretary for Interfaith Relations for NCC-USA.

Dr. Manohar Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR, remarked that "forgiveness and humility are the most important qualities of the Sikh ethics. Anger subsides when there is forgiveness." He added, "Whatever happens, good or bad, accept it as the will of God, and pray to God to give us strength to accept God's will."

Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Associate General Secretary for Interfaith Relations for NCC-USA said, "five years after the horrific events of 9/11, people of the United States still debilitated by fear need to understand forgiveness & reconciliation."

The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions was a patron of the conference.

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 42 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions across the nation. WSC-AR works to promote Sikh interests at the national and international level focusing on issues of advocacy, education, and the well-being of all humankind. For more information, please visit


The following photo in jpeg format, suitable for publication, can be obtained by e-mailing <>: Photo Caption: Dr. Manohar Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR, joins with fellow religious representatives on the "Forgiveness & Reconciliation" panel discussion at the "World's Religions After September 11: A Global Congress", September 11 - 15, 2006 in Montreal, Canada. Left to Right: Dr. Thillay Naidoo (Rama Krishna Society of South Africa), Dr. Manohar Singh (Chairperson of WSC-AR), Rabbi Dr. Daniel Brenner - sitting (Director of Center for Multifaith Education at Auburn Theological Seminary), Professor Jane Smith - standing (Director of Hartford Seminary's MacDonald Center for Study of Islam and Christian Muslim Dialogue), and Dr. Muhammad Shafiq (Executive Director of Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue at Nazareth College). (Photo courtesy of WSC-AR)


Member Gurdwaras of WSC-AR: 1. Gurdwara Sahib Fremont, Fremont, CA 2. Guru Nanak Sikh Mission, Livingston, CA 3. Sikh Gurdwara of LA, North Hollywood, CA 4. Sikh Gurdwara Riverside, Riverside, CA 5. Colorado Singh Sabha, Denver, CO 6. Guru Singh Sabha of Augusta, Augusta, GA 7. Sikh Study Circle of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA 8. Sikh Religious Society of Chicago, Palatine, IL 9. Sikh Society of South, New Orleans, LA 10. New England Sikh Study Circle, Boston, MA 11. Sikh Gurdwara of Michigan, Rochester Hills, MI 12. Sikh Society of Michigan, Madison Heights, MI 13. Guru Nanak Foundation of Jackson, MS 14. Sikh Gurdwara of North Carolina, Durham, NC 15. Garden State Sikh Association, Bridgewater, NJ 16. Guru Nanak Sikh Society of Delaware Valley, Sewell, NJ 17. Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Glenrock, NJ 18. Sikh Sabha of New Jersey, Lawrenceville, NJ 19. Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh, Las Vegas, NV 20. Sikh Cultural Society Inc., Richmond Hills, NY 21. Sikh Cultural & Edu. Society of Western NY, Buffalo, NY 22. Sikh Religious Society of Dayton, Dayton, OH 23. Guru Nanak Found. of Greater Cleveland, Richfield, OH 24. Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Society, Bedford, OH 25. Guru Nanak Religious Soc. of Central Ohio, Columbus, OH 26. Sikh Sadh Sangat, Easton, PA 27. Philadelphia Sikh Society, Millbourne, PA 28. Tristate Sikh Cultural Society, Monroeville, PA 29. Mid South Sikh Sabha, Memphis, TN 30. Sikh Center of Gulf Coast, Houston, TX 31. Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Richardson, TX 32. Sikh Gurdwara of North Texas, Garland, TX 33. Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Fairfax, VA 34. Sikh Association of Central Virginia, VA 35. Sikh Religious Society of Wisconsin, Brookfield, WI

Other Sikh Institution Members of WSC-AR: 1. Siri Guru Granth Sahib Found., Anaheim, CA 2. Sikhs Serving America, Topeka, KS 3. Sikh Youth Federation of North America, White Plains, NY 4. Sikh Heritage Foundation, Long Island, NY 5. Sikh Educational & Religious Foundation, Dublin, OH 6. Sikh Youth Federation of USA, Toledo, OH 7. Academy of Guru Granth Studies, Arlington, TX

**************** World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) P.O. Box 3635, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA Phone: 614-210-0591 E-mail: Website: ****************

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