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[ENS] National gatherings to precede Presiding Bishop investiture

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 31 Oct 2006 21:49:09 -0500

Episcopal News Service October 31, 2006

National gatherings to precede Presiding Bishop investiture

By Pat McCaughan

[ENS] Raising Episcopal voices in support of social-justice advocacy and the church's "broad middle majority" will be the focus of groups whose national gatherings coincide with the November 4 investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Katharine Jefferts Schori in Washington, D.C.

Bishops Working for a Just Society (BWFJS), a coalition of bishops from 30 dioceses which focuses on public policy and social justice advocacy, will gather November 2-3 at the Washington National Cathedral's Cathedral College, said Bishop John Chane of Washington, a founding member of the coalition.

"We will be talking about the minimum wage hike, the cost of health care and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)," Chane said. "We'll also be talking about how we can most effectively share information on these issues with our clergy and their congregations."

The Episcopal Majority (TEM) ( is hosting "Remaining Faithful," November 3-4 at St. Columba's Parish, Washington, D.C., which will feature as keynote speaker Bishop J. Jon Bruno of Los Angeles.

TEM is a grass-roots organization sparked during General Convention 2006 in Columbus, Ohio, to give a voice to the "broad middle majority...which seeks to sustain and build up the Episcopal Church," said the Rev. David K. Fly, a group organizer.

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