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[ENS] World Report / Weeks Ahead / Catalyst: New Descants for Church Choirs

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Wed, 15 Nov 2006 10:44:08 -0500

NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church

Daybook -- Today is Wednesday, November 15, 2006.

* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1885, Mwanga, ruler of Buganda (now part of Uganda), beheads recent Anglican convert and royal family member Joseph Mukasa. Mukasa opposed the massacring of Anglican missionary bishop James Hannington and his colleagues.

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Diocesan Digest

NORTHERN INDIANA: Convention backs bishop on Windsor Report

OKLAHOMA: Hold to Episcopal Church's uniqueness, bishop tells convention

More Diocesan News:

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World Report

ENGLAND: Archbishop of Canterbury to meet with Pope Benedict XVI

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Week Ahead

Full calendar:


November 15, 2006

* LOS ANGELES, California: Episcopal Migration Ministries to hold national conference

November 16, 2006

* RICHMOND, Virginia: 'Going Forward Together: Third Millennium Christianity' * HOLLYWOOD, California: National Association of Episcopal Schools Biennial Conference * ST. THOMAS, US Virgin Islands: Diocese of the Virgin Islands to meet in convention

November 17, 2006

* WESTBOROUGH, Massachusetts: Christian Education Network set for November * NEW YORK CITY: Native American Youth and Young Adult Gathering * FORT WORTH, Texas: Diocese of Fort Worth to meet in convention * MIAMI, Florida: Diocese of Southeast Florida to meet in convention * SYRACUSE, New York: Diocese of Central New York to meet in convention

November 19, 2006

* EASTON, Maryland: Interfaith Conversation at Trinity Cathedral

November 21, 2006

* HOUSTON, Texas: James A. Baker III, to address how faith impacts leadership

November 22, 2006

* GERMANTOWN, Tennessee: E.A. Carmean, Jr., to preach two services at St. George's Episcopal

November 26, 2006

* FORT WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania: Diana Frade to speak at Rector's Forum

November 27, 2006

* ST. PETE BEACH, Florida: The NeXT Generation Stewardship

November 29, 2006

* AUSTIN, Texas: Bishop Dena A. Harrison to be honored at Austin event * BOSTON: Addition and Adolescents is focus of November conference

November 30, 2006

* LAKE FOREST, California: Archbishop Kolini to participant in AIDS summit

December 1, 2006

* WASHINGTON, D.C.: Healing between Spirit and Medicine with Larry Dossey

December 3, 2006

* WASHINGTON, D.C.: Former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold to lead Advent retreat * MEDINA, Washington: St. Thomas Episcopal Church presents a "U2charist"


November 15, 2006

* CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts: Alastair Cassels-Brown Memorial Concert at EDS

November 16, 2006

* NEW YORK CITY: Music at Holy Trinity continues

November 19, 2006

* WASHINGTON, D.C.: Cathedral Choral Society concert season continues * BRYN MAWR, Pennsylvania: Great Concerts for Great Causes presents Mozart Requiem

December 1, 2006

* SAN FRANCISCO, California: Grace Cathedral to host World AIDS Day Concert

Full calendar:

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Catalyst: "The Crowning Glory: New Descants for Church Choirs" from Church Publishing, Inc., by various Episcopal Church musicians, Inc., 107 pages, paperback, c. 2006, $15

[Source: Church Publishing, Inc.] -- This is the first extensive collection of descants on hymns in Episcopal sources that do not appear in the published hymnals. It contains descants by 22 composers on 101 hymn texts set to eighty-one hymn tunes. An added bonus is that 27 of the tunes have alternate harmonizations. In addition to dramatic descants on triumphal and celebrative hymns, several hymns are included that require the descant to be reflective and quiet. Many may be played by instruments rather than sung by sopranos and/or tenors.

These descants, harvested from working Episcopal church musicians, are examples of the useful day-to-day work in the local church. Even though they are small musical gems and greatly enjoyed by congregations, such practical compositions rarely obtain exposure beyond the local parish or diocese.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources online at or call 800-903-5544.

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