From the Worldwide Faith News archives

[ENS] Mission: NetsforLifeSM malaria initiative expands to 15 countries / Media: Presiding Bishop's

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Mon, 12 Mar 2007 13:59:59 -0500

NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church

Daybook -- Today is Monday, March 12, 2007, in Lent. The Church calendar remembers Gregory the Great, bishop of Rome (c.540-604).

* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1865, George Berkeley is born in Kilke nny, Ireland.

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Mission: NetsforLifeSM malaria initiative expands to 15 countries

Coca-Cola Africa Foundation joins as corporate sponsor

[Episcopal Relief and Development] NetsforLifeSM, a partnership for malar ia prevention, is expanding to a total of 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa in 2007. The t hree-year partnership, which builds knowledge and awareness about the transmission, treatment and prevention of malaria, began in 2006 with corporate and individual sponso rs. NetsforLifeSM will distribute at least one million long-lasting insecticide-treated net s in 16 countries, with priority given to pregnant women and children under five. So far, 18 1,000 nets have been distributed. Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) and Christian Aid are the implementing partners of this initiative.

Of the one to three million people worldwide who die of malaria every yea r, 90 percent live in sub-Saharan Africa. NetsforLifeSM targets MDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 and was launched in eight countries in 2006 including Angola, Zambia, Kenya, Ghana and Burund i. This year, the program will start in seven addition countries including Botswana, Liberi a, Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

"In 2006, almost all the countries exceeded their targets, indicating a g ood community response and a high spirit of volunteerism to the NetsforLifeSM program i n general," stated Stephen Dzisi, ERD's Program Officer for Africa. "Some of the lessons lea rned over the past year include the benefits of consultation and involvement of governments, at both national and local levels in the program, and the advantages of community empowerm ent through capacity building for program sustainability."

Full story: _ _ _

Media: Presiding Bishop's webcast now available on DVD

'Conversation with the Church' addresses issues raised by Primates' Meeti ng

[ENS] "A Conversation with the Church," the live webcast featuring Presid ing Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on February 28, 2007, is now available on DVD and can be ordered from Episcopal Books and Resources (EBaR) at / or by calling 800.903.5544.

The webcast drew more than 21,000 viewers in the first 48 hours after its airing. More than 5,000 watched live, and questions were fielded from Europe, Canada, and a cross the United States.

The hour-long DVD includes the full program, which originated from the we bcast studio facilities of Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York City. Included are t he Presiding Bishop's opening statement centering on the recent Primates' Meeting in T anzania and her answers to inquiries submitted by email, phone and a studio audience. The dialogue is moderated by the Rev. Jan Nunley, communication deputy on the staff of th e Episcopal Church Center.

The DVD is priced at $20 each, plus $4.95 for shipping and handling. A pe r-copy discount may apply for orders of multiple copies.

The webcast was "made possible through the generous expertise of Linda Ha nick and the web and broadcast team at Trinity Church," said Canon Robert Williams, the Episco pal Church's director of communication. Hanick, who is Trinity's vice president for co mmunication and marketing, and Williams were the webcast's co-producers.

"The webcast was a great way to bring the Presiding Bishop's voice to the wider church in an interactive environment," said Mike Collins, director of broadcast and mu ltimedia communication at the Episcopal Church Center. "This was a prime opportuni ty for the Office of Communication to work hand in hand with Trinity Television and New Media for the benefit of the wider church. We look forward to the ways in which this creative col laboration will continue."

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Catalyst: "The Chants of Easter" from Paraclete Press, by the Gloriæ De i Cantores Schola, CD, c. 2006, $16.95

[Source: Paraclete Press] -- This recording of Gregorian Chant from the G loriæ Dei Cantores Schola celebrates the Feast of the Resurrection, which is rooted in the e arliest centuries of Christian worship. This "celebration of celebrations" is a time for rebi rth, and this recording reflects that sense of personal renewal and joy. The Chants of Easter includes the Propers of Easter Day and chants for the octave of Easter---daily service s that are part of the week-long celebration of the Easter miracle. These chants are convey ed with careful attention to subtleties in the ancient Gregorian notation, inviting liste ners to share the experience of Christ's resurrection in all its richness.

"Expert renditions of Gregorian chant."--The New York Times

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at http://www.episcopalbo or call 800.903.5544.

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