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[ELO] Nigerian Primate proceeds with CANA installation / Church Center completes lease of space to A

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Mon, 7 May 2007 22:37:15 -0400

Episcopal Life Online Newslink May 7, 2007

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Today's ELO Newslink includes:

* TOP STORY - Nigerian Primate proceeds with CANA installation * TOP STORY - Church Center completes lease of space to Ad Council * DIOCESAN DIGEST - FLORIDA: Judge orders breakaway congregation to return property to diocese * DIOCESAN DIGEST - NEW JERSEY: Churches in flood-ravaged areas transform into relief centers * WORLD REPORT - AUSTRALIA: Anglicans seek ruling on women bishops * WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Rowan Williams speaks on failed bid to help starving Zimbabweans * WORLD REPORT - KENYA: Faiths unite in seeking political accountability



Nigerian Primate proceeds with CANA installation Akinola rebuffs Canterbury, Presiding Bishop

By Matthew Davies

[Episcopal News Service] Nigerian Primate Peter J. Akinola rejected requests from both Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori by proceeding with the May 5 installation of Bishop Martyn Minns as leader of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA).

Williams and Jefferts Schori had sent separate letters urging Akinola to reconsider his visit to the U.S. for the purpose of installing Minns, an action which the Presiding Bishop had said "would display to the world division and disunity that are not part of the mind of Christ" and would "not help the efforts of reconciliation."

Although the text of Williams' letter was not made public, Anglican Communion communications director Canon James Rosenthal confirmed the letter had been sent on May 4, but Akinola had already arrived in the United States and responded to Jefferts Schori's letter outlining CANA as providing "a safe place for those who wish to remain faithful Anglicans but can no longer do so within The Episcopal Church."

Akinola also responded to Williams on May 6 saying that he had not received his letter until after the ceremony. "CANA is for the Communion and we are more than happy to surrender it to the Communion once the conditions that prompted our division have been overturned," he told Williams.

Full story:

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Church Center completes lease of space to Ad Council

By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[Episcopal News Service] The Episcopal Church Center has completed lease negotiations with the Ad Council to rent two and a half floors of the Center's building at 815 Second Avenue in New York City.

The Episcopal Church's chief operating officer Linda Watt said the Church Center is delighted that the Ad Council will be moving into the building.

"Their mission of public service and education, dating back over 60 years, makes them a very appropriate addition to the building that houses the Church headquarters and associated Episcopal agencies," she said. "We look forward to welcoming their staff and to enjoying their company here."

Peggy Conlon, the Ad Council's president and chief executive officer, echoed Watts' comment, adding that her organization and the Church Center "share a lot of core values."

Full story:



FLORIDA: Judge orders breakaway congregation to return property to diocese

NEW JERSEY: Churches in flood-ravaged areas transform into relief centers

More Diocesan news:



AUSTRALIA: Anglicans seek ruling on women bishops

ENGLAND: Rowan Williams speaks on failed bid to help starving Zimbabweans

KENYA: Faiths unite in seeking political accountability

More World news:

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