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Resources for June 20 World Refugee Day Available

From "Lesley Crosson" <> (by way of George Conklin <>)
Date Wed, 09 May 2007 15:14:21 -0700

World Refugee Day resources available from Church World Service

World Refugee Day is June 20, and Church World Service resources for 2007 are ready.

A congregational bulletin insert and worship resource can be found at in two formats: PDF, and Word to enable â??co-brandingâ?? by denominations, churches, local resettlement agencies, and others.

In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly designated June 20 as World Refugee Day to recognize and celebrate the contribution of refugees throughout the world. Since then, World Refugee Day has become an annual commemoration marked by a variety of events in over a hundred countries.

This year's theme for World Refugee Day is "A New Home, a New Life," focusing on the United Statesâ?? proud tradition of welcoming refugees and the many contributions they bring to towns and cities across America.

The United States continues to be the single largest refugee resettlement country in the world. In Fiscal Year 2006, 41,000 refugees were resettled to the United States. However, in many countries, refugees fleeing for their lives have very little to hope for and they will be remembered on World Refugee Day.

Church World Service and participating denominations work together to protect and assist uprooted people worldwide. CWS provides help and homes to refugees, resettling about 8,000 refugees and entrants in the United States every year. Congregations and affiliate agencies provide services locally.

Around the world, CWS helps meet the needs of people in protracted refugee situations through its Durable Solutions for Displaced Persons program. CWS also promotes policies and practices that support fairness, support, and welcome for the uprooted.

The CWS bulletin insert for World Refugee Day 2007 tells the story of the Wube family, who found a new home and a new life in Indianapolis, Indiana. The worship resource includes a call to worship, invocation, meditation outline, and benediction on the theme.

For United Nations resources, visit

Media Contacts

Lesley Crosson, (212) 870-2676, Jan Dragin - 24/7 - (781) 925-1526,

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