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[ELO] Teaching: Grace Cathedral to host first annual writers conference / Catalyst: The Practice of

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:38:35 -0400

Episcopal Life Online Daybook -- Today is Tuesday, July 31, 2007. The Church calendar remembers Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556).

* Today in Scripture: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1966, residents of Alabama burned Beatles' records and other products after John Lennon proclaimed the Beatles to be "more popular than Jesus."



Grace Cathedral to host first annual writers conference

[Episcopal News Service] Teaching authors how to write, sell and promote works toward change is the focus of Grace Cathedral's first annual writer's conference.

"Writing-For-Change," sponsored by Grace Cathedral and the San Francisco Writers Conference, will be held August 24-25 in the Wilsey Conference Center on the lower level of the 100-year-old San Francisco, California cathedral.

Rachel Naomi Remen, UCSF physician and mind/body holistic movement pioneer, will deliver the keynote address.

Other speakers will include Ernest Callenback (Ecology: A Pocket Guide); Richard Rodriguez (Hunger of Memory); M.J. Ryan (Random Acts of Kindness); Philip Zimbardo (The Lucifer Effect); Alan Rinzler, executive editor, Jossey-Bass; Johanna Vonderling, editorial director, Berrett Koehler Publishing; and literary agents Robert Shepherd and Michael Larsen.

During the two-day conference, authors, editors, literary agents and publishers will teach non fiction authors how to write books geared at being catalysts for change, from the personal to the planetary and provide information on selling and publicizing their work.

Space is limited to 150 writers. To register call 415-673-0939 or visit:

Full story:


Catalyst: "The Practice of the Presence of God" from Paraclete Press, by Brother Lawrence, translated by Robert J. Edmonson, 158 pages, paperback, c. 1985, $12.95

[Source: Paraclete Press] In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.

"In the way of God, thoughts count very little," writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. "Love does it all." Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans -- in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, modern-day English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your local Episcopal bookseller,

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