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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese E-Bulletin March 21, 2008

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:55:35 -0700

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese E-Bulletin March 21, 2008

This is the weekly edition of the GOA E-Bulletin. For more information just click on the links below to go to the topics of interest to you.

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SUNDAY OF GREGORY PALAMAS ?? SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT: This Sunday, the first Sunday of Lent, commemorates Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, the Wonderworker. The feast day of Saint Gregory Palamas is November 14, however, he is commemorated on this Sunday as the condemnation of his enemies and the vindication of his teachings by the Church in the 14th century was acclaimed as a second triumph of Orthodoxy. Resources for this Sunday, including background information, hymns, icons, special services, and much more can be found at

FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION AND GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY: March 25 marks the annual commemoration of the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is celebrated on March 25 each year. The Feast commemorates the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would become incarnate and enter into this world through her womb. This is also the celebration of Greek Independence Day and the recognition of the legacy of faith and heritage that is associated with the struggle for independence by our fathers and mothers. For resources on this feast and the Archbishopâ??s encyclical, visit

LENTEN RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Lenten resources are available online at the special Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha website. Find readings, articles and sermons, bulletin inserts, prayers and services, and much more. Links will be available in the e-bulletin throughout the Lenten and Paschal seasons.

OUTREACH RESOURCES FOR LENT AND HOLY WEEK: This website of the Department of Outreach and Evangelism will provide you with resources for sharing the themes, services, and journey of Great Lent and Holy Week with others. Download brochures and sermons, order a Lenten Welcome Banner, and much more at


The Complete ORTHODOX STUDY BIBLE (including the Old and New Testament) is now shipping from the Orthodox Marketplace. The hardcover price is $49.95. The leather bound price is $79.95. We do not presently sell them by the case or at reseller discount.

NEW FORTHCOMING BOOK from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, "Encountering the Mystery" - pre-order your copy today at the Orthodox Marketplace for $18.75 - a saving of 15% off the retail price! The official release is March 18th.

The Orthodox Marketplace now offers books and materials from the Family Ministries, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and Greek Education departments. You can preorder "The Planner 2007-2008" by visiting

The tabletop prayer guide for families is also available online at

The entire Greek Education catalog can be visited on-line at

The Orthodox Marketplace is the official on-line store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Please visit and encourage others to support the Orthodox Marketplace site as well.

NEW DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM BEGINS: The Department of Religious Education is beginning a pilot distance learning program. Living Great Lent taught by Rev. Dr. Alkiviadis Calivas will be available on-line at beginning February 19. Participants will need to register on-line to have access to the five video presentations by Fr. Calivas, a series of readings, and questions for discussion. The course will be facilitated by Dr. Anton C. Vrame, Director of the Department of Religious Education, and Rev. Dn. Markos Nickolas, a doctoral candidate in pastoral theology at Boston University. While an individual can register for the course, the course is designed for groups that can meet to discuss the presentations and readings. The course material will be available from February 19 to April 4 to encourage learners and groups to complete the five session program within seven weeks. Fr. Calivas is Professor emeritus of Liturgy at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. After the course has ended, the pilot program of the Department of Religious Education will be evaluated in order to begin a larger distance learning program in the fall. For more information contact the Department of Religious Education, 617-850-1218.

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ONLINE: Application materials are now available for the George and Naouma Gioles Scholarship and the Katina John Malta Scholarship programs. Also available are materials for the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship program. Awards range from $1500 to $2000 for undergraduates and up to $10,000 for graduate students. Applications and guidelines can be accessed on the website of the Office of the Chancellor at asp

NATIONAL ORTHODOX RADIO PROGRAMS: On this week's Come Receive the Light, THE NATIONAL ORTHODOX RADIO PROGRAM, Fr. Chris speaks with His Grace Bishop Benjamin of the OCA about the three lenten disciplines: Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving. Listen to this program--and many others--on The ARK and The RUDDER, at Special Moments in Orthodoxy continues Dr. Ary Christofidis presentation "Helping Orthodox Clients Understand the Difference Between Counseling and Confession, Part 2," and Theologically Thinking features the words of Fr. Stanley Harakas "What Does It Mean to Love Yourself?" The ARKâ??s Featured Artist Block showcases Jimmy Santis, and Jason Barker's "Get Wisdom" podcast begins a new series on the Gospel of Mark.

We're thrilled to announce two new programs coming soon: Icons in Sound with Vlad Morosan, exploring Orthodox music, its purpose and interpretation, and Turning to the Fathers, with Fr. John McGuckin, Professor at Columbia, who will be exploring teachings from the fathers of our faith. Each day on The ARK and The RUDDER you can hear a different show from "The Best of Come Receive the Light," featuring favorite interviews from past episodes of CRTL. Be sure to listen to The Rudder, which features brand new recordings of lenten-themed liturgical music, including the Lamentations and the Presanctified Liturgy.

2008 ARCHDIOCESE YEARBOOK NOW ONLINE: The 2008 edition of the Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is now available on the Archdiocese website. The book includes directories of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Archdiocese and Metropolises, Parishes and Clergy, National Ministries, Departments, Institutions, and Related Agencies and Organizations. Printed copies of the Yearbook will be shipping soon, with each parish receiving two complimentary copies. Additional copies can be ordered from the Dept. of Communications by calling 212-774-0244.

Copies can be purchased online at the Orthodox Marketplace at

IONIAN VILLAGE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Please visit and download a registration packet. Register before March 7th to receive the Early Bird Discount rate! Summer Travel Camp: June 27 through July 17th - Byzantine Venture: July 26th through August 14th - Both sessions open to campers who have completed 7th through 12th grade.

LATEST UPDATES ABOUT THE 2008 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL: The Oratorical Festival, now entering its 25th year, provides young people an opportunity to research, prepare, and deliver a speech on topics related to their Greek Orthodox faith and heritage. To view the latest press release and other information about the festival, including the 2008 topics, tips & bibliography visit:

SUPPORT THE ARCHDIOCESE WHILE SEARCHING THE WEB: The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has partnered with, a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. To use and support the ministries of the Archdiocese, simply go to:

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