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[ENS] Easter Sunday in Jerusalem brings new life as Presiding Bishop concludes Holy Land vis

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 25 Mar 2008 03:53:13 -0400

Episcopal News Service March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday in Jerusalem brings new life as Presiding Bishop concludes Holy Land visit

In Galilee, Jefferts Schori walks in the footsteps of Jesus

By Matthew Davies

[Episcopal News Service, Jerusalem] On Easter Sunday at St. George's Cathedral in Jerusalem, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, local Christians and multi-national pilgrims shared in the joyful Eucharistic celebration of Jesus' resurrection following the Paschal mystery of his suffering and death.

Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem Suheil Dawani, who had invited the Presiding Bishop to spend Holy Week in his diocese, preached in Arabic and English about the need "to live our lives more fully and minister more faithfully."

Dawani said that Easter reveals a world in which God has the last word "in rolling away all that stands before us" and offers "a new vista of hope for justice, equity and peace."

The congregation included United States Members of Congress, Episcopal missionaries and a delegation from the Christian Association of Nigeria, including His Royal Majesty Ogidiga Ifite Ogwari of Anambra State.

The Presiding Bishop gave thanks for the ministry of the local Church and "its wonderful leadership," the hospitality she and her delegation had received, and the friendships formed throughout her March 16-24 pastoral visit. "We take you home with us in our hearts and we will never be the same," she said, emphasizing the need to build a kingdom of God -- of peace -- around the world.

Bishop Christopher Epting, ecumenical and interfaith officer; Maureen Shea, director of government relations; and Richard Schori, husband of the Presiding Bishop, have accompanied Jefferts Schori throughout the week.

On Holy Saturday, the delegation traveled throughout Galilee with Palestinian tour guide Iyad Qumri, walking in Jesus' footsteps and recalling his prophetic and healing ministry throughout Palestine.

Full story:

-- Matthew Davies, editor of Episcopal Life Online and Episcopal Life Media correspondent for the Anglican Communion, is traveling with the Presiding Bishop in the Holy Land.

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