From the Worldwide Faith News archives

[ELD] March 30 bulletin inserts focus on seminarian debt

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:00:11 -0400

Episcopal Life Daily March 24, 2008

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Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* TOP STORY - March 30 bulletin inserts focus on seminarian debt * DAYBOOK - March 25, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History * CATALYST - Sacred Silks - National Cathedral 'Angels' Oblong



March 30 bulletin inserts focus on seminarian debt

[Episcopal Life Weekly] Bulletin inserts for March 30 will highlight the problem of seminarian debt, and the heavy financial load carried by most newly ordained deacons and priests.

Bulletin inserts are available in English and Spanish at



On March 25, 2008, the Church calendar remembers Tuesday in Easter Week and The Annunciation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

* Today in Scripture: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On March 25, 1980, the Rt. Rev. Robert A.K. Runcie was installed as the 102nd Archbishop of Canterbury.



Catalyst: "Sacred Silks - National Cathedral 'Angels' Oblong" from Sacred Silks, 100% Silk Twill, 12" x 66", hand-screen printed, hand-rolled hem, $49.95

[Source: Sacred Silks] Inspired by N.C. Wyeth's reredos in the Holy Spirit Chapel, Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.


The reredos is the decorated part of the wall behind an altar in a church and that is where the great talent of N.C. Wyeth (father of Andrew Wyeth) was expressed in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, located in the north transept of Washington National Cathedral. The reredos consists of three panels, created by N.C. Wyeth, which are set in elaborately-carved, canopied, wooden niches. The central panel depicts Jesus Christ with two kneeling Angels in prayerful posture. Both of the magnificent side panels show bands of Angels praising with song and instruments. The beautiful colors and inspiring depiction in these paintings have been adapted for this design on silk.

Perfect as an inspiring wall hanging or table overlay in your home or office. And, the 'Angels' Silk Oblong can also be worn as an attractive and inspiring scarf.

More Catalyst:

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