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[ELD] Presiding Bishop issues statement on Zimbabwe crisis

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Wed, 7 May 2008 17:47:50 -0400

Episcopal Life Daily May 7, 2008

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Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* TOP STORY - Presiding Bishop issues statement on Zimbabwe crisis * DIOCESAN DIGEST - NEW YORK: Priest's sculptures responding to the horrors of war * DIOCESAN DIGEST - SOUTH CAROLINA: Saving Grace Church...and its red-tailed hawks * DIOCESAN DIGEST - WASHINGTON, D.C.: Swiss Artist to illuminate Washington National Cathedral * WORLD REPORT - BURUNDI: Former primate Samuel Ndayisenga dies at 73 * WORLD REPORT - MYANMAR: Archbishop of Canterbury offers prayers for Burma following devastating cyclone * WORLD REPORT - NORTH INDIA: Missionary tells of slum eviction, diocese's efforts to help residents * PEOPLE - Anglican Journal editor Leanne Larmondin resigns * PEOPLE - Martini Shaw receives doctorate degree from Graduate Theological Foundation * PEOPLE - Puerto Rico Bishop David Alvarez visits Church Center in New York City * WEEKS AHEAD - Upcoming special events and services * DAYBOOK - May 8, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History * CATALYST - Intelligent Design



Presiding Bishop issues statement on Zimbabwe crisis

[Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a statement May 6 on the political and humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe, calling for all Episcopalians to advocate for an international response.

Robert Mugabe's government, she says, has engaged in a "systematic repression of human rights, democracy, and economic opportunity for the people of Zimbabwe."

In her statement, Jefferts Schori joins with the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Archbishop of Cape Town, in calling for an international arms embargo against the government of Zimbabwe.

Full story and statement:

More Top Stories:



NEW YORK: Priest's sculptures responding to the horrors of war

SOUTH CAROLINA: Saving Grace Church.and its red-tailed hawks

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Swiss Artist to illuminate Washington National Cathedral

More Diocesan news:



BURUNDI: Former primate Samuel Ndayisenga dies at 73

MYANMAR: Archbishop of Canterbury offers prayers for Burma following devastating cyclone

NORTH INDIA: Missionary tells of slum eviction, diocese's efforts to help residents

More World news:



Anglican Journal editor Leanne Larmondin resigns

By Ali Symons

[Anglican Church of Canada] Anglican Journal editor Leanne Larmondin has announced her resignation effective June 13, 2008. Larmondin served General Synod in three roles over 15 years, first as staff writer for the Journal, then as web manager, where she helped launch htp:// In 2002, she began as editor of the award-winning Journal, the largest circulation religious publication in Canada.

"Fifteen years on I've learned a lot about the Church, myself, and how the Church's media work," said Larmondin in an interview. "At this point I feel like I've accomplished enough that I want to move on and see what's next in my life." Her immediate plans are not defined, but she expects to pursue more media work, in newspapers, magazines or new media.

When asked about particular memories of her work, Larmondin named the intensity of national General Synod gatherings, particularly the 2007 event, where Journal staff produced a popular daily paper for delegates. She has also enjoyed expanding the Journal's website and experimenting with different story forms to "keep the newspaper fresh, so it's not just columns of type."

Full story:

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Martini Shaw receives doctorate degree from Graduate Theological Foundation

[Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Martini Shaw was conferred a Doctor of Ministry degree on May 2 from the Graduate Theological Foundation, in South Bend, Indiana after completing four years of coursework from Oxford University in England.

Shaw is the 17th rector of the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, the oldest African American Episcopal Church in the United States and the first black church in Philadelphia. It was founded by the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first person of African ancestry to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church.

Shaw, a native of Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate degrees in psychology and biology. He holds a Master of Divinity Degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, in Chicago, Illinois and a certificate in Anglican Studies from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois.

Full story:

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Puerto Rico Bishop David Alvarez visits Church Center in New York City

[Episcopal News Service] Bishop David Alvarez of the Diocese of Puerto Rico visited the Episcopal Church Center on May 6, bringing an update from his diocese.

The Diocese of Puerto Rico, an extra-provincial diocese connected to the Episcopal Church's Province IX, officially joined the Episcopal Church in 2003. According to Alvarez, it presently consists of 42,000 baptized members of which nearly 20,000 are active.

Operating several outreach ministries, including schools, hospitals and housing projects for the elderly and abused have made the diocese the third largest private-sector employer on the island.

Full story:

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A round-up of upcoming special events, services, concerts and diocesan conventions taking place throughout the Episcopal Church is available at



On May 8, 2008, the Church calendar remembers Dame Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1417).

* Today in Scripture: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On May 8, 1559, the Act of Uniformity receives Queen Elizabeth I's royal assent, reinstating the forms of worship Henry VIII had ordered and mandating the use of the Book of Common Prayer (1552).



"Intelligent Design" from Augsburg Fortress, by William A. Dembski & Michael Ruse, 257 pages, paperback, c. 2007, $22 [Augsburg Fortress] The subject of intelligent design has been much in the news in recent months but is often treated in a piecemeal fashion or one-sidedly. This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement between two leading intellectuals on the subject: William A. Dembski, senior fellow with Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, and Michael Ruse, an internationally known philosopher of science. Each of the contributors presents his or her position in light of the other's, providing readers with a fair and balanced case for both sides and allowing readers to decide for themselves.

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