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[ELD] Episcopal Life Daily

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 5 Aug 2008 19:22:31 -0400

>Episcopal Life Daily
>August 5, 2008

Episcopal Life Online is available at

>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* WORLD REPORT - MELANESIA: Western Solomons seafarers celebrate  inaugural
Sea Sunday event
* FEATURE - Congregations need to rediscover their spiritual centers
* DAYBOOK - August 6, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - To Be A Pilgrim: The Anglican Ethos in History



MELANESIA: Western Solomons seafarers celebrate inaugural Sea Sunday  event

More World news:



Congregations need to rediscover their spiritual centers

>By Celia Allison Hahn

[Episcopal Life] "What do you need most from your church?" In one  typical
survey, four out of five Episcopalians replied, "I want food for my
spiritual hunger."

Another study discovered that, although many people volunteered to serve  on
their vestries hoping to enhance their spiritual growth, at the end of  their
terms they frequently went away disappointed because they had  experienced
only a secular "Roberts Rules of Order" mentality.

Unless such "Martha" churches can make room in their busyness for a
rediscovery of their spiritual centers, they risk losing energy and a  sense
of relevance to their lives. In the Alban Institute's Congregational
Spirituality research, it became clear that not only individuals but  also
churches have a spirit, often hidden, that can be uncovered.

Full story:

More Features:



On August 6, 2008, the Church calendar remembers The Transfiguration of  Our
Lord Jesus Christ.

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On August 6, 1809, Alfred Lord Tennyson, English  poet
and Anglican, was born in Lincolnshire, England.



"To Be A Pilgrim: The Anglican Ethos in History" from the Crossroad
Publishing Company, by Frederick Quinn, 306 pages, hardcover, c. 2001,

[The Crossroad Publishing Company] To Be A Pilgrim is about the Anglican
ethos from a historical perspective. Neither a denominational nor a
confessional treatment, it traces the evolution of spirituality in the
English tradition from Bede and Cranmer to C. S. Lewis, T. S. Eliot, and
Dorothy Sayers.

By describing the Anglican ethos in historical context, with its  emphasis on
reason, moderation, liturgy and culture, readers can more easily see the
grounding from which this faith tradition emerges.

There are readings at the end of each chapter and excerpts throughout  from
key writers. Poetry, mystery, literacy, music, art, plus social justice  and
spirituality are all characteristic of the Anglican tradition.

"The study of a religious ethos does not hang on fixed dates as much as  does
conventional political history with the death of a monarch or the loss  of a
battle as a defining event. It is more like tracing the strands of a
tapestry through time. The spirituality of Julian of Norwich, seemingly  a
product of the English Middle Ages, reappears in the twentieth century.
Lancelot Andrews, who sprung to life during the English Reformation,  becomes
a pivotal figure in the Oxford Movement three centuries later. Such  strands
do not exist in isolation, but are interwoven with others as anyone will
conclude who has tried to work their way through the multiple prayer  book
studies tracing the origins of new liturgical rites ... The  understanding of
the evolution of a religious ethos is more than a study of white hats  versus
black hats in any age, more like tracing the interacting parts of a Bach
fugue." -- From the introduction

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your
local Episcopal bookseller,

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