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[ELD] Episcopal Life Daily

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Thu, 21 Aug 2008 05:39:44 -0400

>Episcopal Life Daily
>August 20, 2008

>Episcopal Life Online is available at

>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* DIOCESAN DIGEST - PITTSBURGH: Assistant Bishop Henry Scriven to
resign, take up mission post for South America
* PEOPLE - Where's Bill? Slocumb's on his way home
* WEEKS AHEAD - Upcoming special events and services
* SPIRITUAL REFLECTION - Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 16 -
Year A [RCL]
* DAYBOOK - August 21, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journal Through the
Canon of St. Andrew



PITTSBURGH: Assistant Bishop Henry Scriven to resign, take up mission
post for South America

More Diocesan news:



>Where's Bill? Slocumb's on his way home

[Episcopal News Service] Bill Slocumb has headed back to his office in
Julian, California, after wrapping up this year's Face to Face summer
tour at Mikell Camp and Conference Center in Tocca, Georgia.  

"We are blessed by God in so many ways," reflects Slocumb, director of
member services for Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers. "Our centers
are beautiful and their staffs are extremely hospitable."

He notes that he expected the three-month 10,000-mile tour to be a lot
of work, but would not trade any of it.

Full story:

More People:



A round-up of upcoming special events, services, concerts and diocesan
conventions taking place throughout the Episcopal Church is available at



Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 16 - Year A [RCL]

Exodus 1:8-2:10; Psalm 124; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20

>By the Rev. Bud Holland

[Sermons That Work] At various points in our lives we need to "step up
to the plate." As scary as some of these times have been, they usually
have been moments that have initiated some transitions in our lives and
offered us the opportunity to drawn upon the memories of our early

The lessons for today lead us to renewed discoveries: the importance of
stepping up to the plate; the persistence of God in furthering God's
intentions and mission; and the incredible opportunity that even you and
I might have to touch, carry, and share that which is very sacred.

In ancient Egypt, the Hebrew population was flourishing even as they
were struggling under oppression. The Pharaoh wanted their numbers to
decrease, so he tried to kill off young Hebrew males by drowning them in
the Nile River. Moses was set in a basket (the same name used for Noah's
ark) by his mother and cared for in the early journey by his older
sister. Eventually he was discovered by the daughter of the Pharaoh, and
we know the rest of the story.

Full reflection:

More Spiritual Reflections:



>On August 21, 2008...

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On August 21, 1799, Alexander R. Reinagle, British
church organist and composer, was born in Brighton, England.



"First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journal Through the Canon of St.
Andrew" from Paraclete Press, by Frederica Mathewes-Green, 195 pages,
paperback, c. 2008, $14.95

[Paraclete Press] Join Frederica Mathewes-Green on a guided retreat --
ideal for the Lenten Season -- through the classic Great Canon, a wise,
ancient, Orthodox text that will enrich your experience of spirituality
and prayer. First Fruits of Prayer will bring readers of all
denominational backgrounds into the prayer experience of first
millennium Christianity through immersion in this fascinating text, a
poetic hymn written in the eighth century. This extraordinarily
beautiful work, still chanted by Eastern Christians every Lent, weaves
together Old and New Testament Scriptures with prayers of hope and
repentance. It offers ancient ways of seeing Christ that will
nevertheless feel new to most readers today.

This insightful book offers readers an opportunity to walk through a
classic text from the Christian East in a series of forty prayerful
readings with accompanying commentary and questions for further

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your
local Episcopal bookseller,

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