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[ELD] Episcopal Life Daily

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Thu, 20 Nov 2008 05:30:10 -0500

>Episcopal Life Daily
>November 19, 2008

Episcopal Life Online is available at

>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* DIOCESAN DIGEST - FORT WORTH: Three loyalist congregations merge
* WORLD REPORT - CANADA: Plans to create a conservative province
'disturbing,' says primate
* CALENDAR - Upcoming special events and diocesan conventions
* SPIRITUAL REFLECTION - Christ the King (Last Sunday After Pentecost)
- Year A [RCL]
* DAYBOOK - November 20, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton



FORT WORTH: Three loyalist congregations merge

More Diocesan news:



CANADA: Plans to create a conservative province 'disturbing,' says  primate

More World news:



A round-up of upcoming special events, services, concerts and diocesan
conventions taking place throughout the Episcopal Church is available



Christ the King (Last Sunday After Pentecost) - Year A [RCL]

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 100 or Psalm 95:1-7a; Ephesians
1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46

>By Frank Hegedus

[Sermons That Work] "Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world."

Today, the twenty-eighth and last Sunday after Pentecost, brings to a
conclusion the great -- perhaps long is a better word for it -- season
of time after Pentecost. For that matter, it brings to an end the
entire cycle of the church year. Next week at this time, on the First
Sunday of Advent, we will find ourselves in a brand-new church year.

In some church circles, the season of time after Pentecost that we
have just concluded is called "ordinary time," perhaps to distinguish
it from the string of extra-ordinary events in the life of Christ and
the Church recounted in the liturgical calendar from Advent to
Pentecost. After all, not much seems to happen during the time after
Pentecost. There are few, if any, great feasts or fasts of the Church.
And the liturgical color remains standard-issue green for months on

Full reflection:

More Spiritual Reflections:



On November 20, the church calendar remembers Edmund, King of East  Anglia,

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On November 20, 1847, Henry Francis Lyte, Anglican
Divine and hymnist, died at Nice, France.



"Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton" from Liturgical Press,
edited by Morgan C. Atkinson with Jonathan Montaldo, 208 pages,
paperback, c. 2008, $19.95

[Liturgical Press] A companion to award-winning producer Morgan
Atkinson's documentary of the same title, this work draws us into the
geographical landscape of Thomas Merton's life in America, a landscape
that was intrinsic to his spiritual journey. Containing a considerable
amount of rich material unused in the documentary, Soul Searching is
alive with the narrative of those who either knew Merton well or
passionately care about him: Father Daniel Berrigan, Rosemary Ruether,
Martin Marty, Paul Elie, and many others. Their insights are linked to
the places -- from the Abbey of Gethsemani to the Redwoods Monastery
in California, from New York City to Christ in the Desert Monastery in
New Mexico -- that both nurtured and shaped Merton. The picture that
emerges, through both the narrative and vivid photography, is filled
with provocative insights into the interior landscape of one of the
spiritual giants of modern times.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit
your local Episcopal bookseller,

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