From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Kindergarteners lead the way in sharing the gospel

From "Taiwan Church News" <>
Date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:10:37 -0800

>      Taiwan Church News

>3019 Edition

>January 4~10, 2010

Kindergarteners lead the way in sharing the gospel

>Reported by Chen Wei-jian

>Written by Lydia Ma

If you happen to stop by Huatan Market in Changhua on the first  week of every month, don’t be

surprised to see a few kindergarteners handing out gospel tracts  to people on a morning

shopping errand. Whenever grownups receive a small gift from a  little child, their faces usually

>light up with joy and surprise.

Since last December, Huatan Presbyterian Church has been sending a  small team of

missionaries to Huatan Market at 9:00 a.m. on the first Sunday of  every month. These

missionaries are mainly families with small children and they  distribute nicely wrapped, mini-

packages of tissue paper to people they meet at Huatan market.  Each mini-package of tissue

paper contains the church’s address and a Bible verse printed  on the outside and the children

>also hand out a gospel tract with it.

According to Huatan Church’s pastor, Rev. Tsao Ling-chi, this  project was a church member’s

idea and is currently run entirely by church members. Their goal  is to invite people who live

nearby to church-sponsored activities – with a little help from  small children. Church members

involved in this project are usually young families enthusiastic  about sharing the gospel.

The production costs of these small gifts are entirely supported  by the church couple who

designed this outreach activity. This couple shared that when they  were expecting their first

child, they realized their child was a gift and a grace from God.  Inspired by God, they decided

that as soon as their child learned to walk and talk, they would  take their child everywhere and

teach their child to share the gospel. Their baby is now 21 months  old.

After discussing with Tsao and sharing this idea with other church  members, a few other

families got onboard and decided to join this family in inviting  God to use their children to

share the gospel. The church’s youth group is helping out by  reading Bible stories and

teaching songs and Bible verses to these young children before  they head out to Huatan



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