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FMEEC elects new officers, concludes sixth general assembly

From "Allison Schmitt" <>
Date Fri, 15 Jan 2010 16:40:56 +0200

>Beirut 15/1/2010
>Final Communiqué
>6th General Assembly
>Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches

Under the theme ??and we are his house if we hold firm the  confidence, and
pride the belongs to hope?, the 6th General Assembly of the Fellowship  of
the Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC), consisting of Anglican,
Lutheran and Reformed Churches, met at the conference center in  Bethanya,
Harissa ? Lebanon, January 11-13, 2003.
Leaders and representatives of the Evangelical Churches
(Anglican-Lutheran-Reformed) from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine (and  the
Holy Land), Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait, and the President of  the
Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches in Syria and Lebanon  attended
the meeting, as well as representatives of partner churches and church
related organizations from the Middle East, Europe, and North America.

Following the opening daily devotions the Assembly listened to a theme
centered Bible Study, presented by Rev. Dr. Makram Najeeb (Synod of the
Nile) and Rev. Dr. Janet Wooton (Evangelical Church ? UK).

In his opening word to the Assembly, Bishop Munib Younan (Head of the
Lutheran Evangelical Church in Jordan and the Holy Land), referred to  the
painful events the Evangelical churches in the area are facing; at which  all
the attendees expressed their solidarity with the Christians in the  Middle
East, especially in Palestine, Iraq, Iran, and the Sudan. They expressed
their sorrow for what happened lately in Naja? Hamaadi, in Egypt, and  spent
a moment of silence honoring the victims thereof, praing for their  families
and the sister Church in Egypt, and sent to H. H. Shnouda III a message
expressing their condolences and solidarity.

The General Secretary, Mrs. Rosangela Jarjour, presented her report,
covering all aspects of FMEEC?s activities for the last five years,  touching
on many other very important issues, on top of which was the effective
Christian and Evangelical Presence in the M. E., and the challenges  hereto,
now and in the future. The Assembly also listened to live testimonies  from
its Churches in the region, especially so from the Churches of the  Sudan,
Iran, and Iraq.

The Assembly also listened to, and reviewed the reports of the various
Programs, such Christian Education Program, Women?s Program, programs
serving Iran and Iraq, FMEEC?s church - related schools Program, and
Theology Program. The prominent issue was Ordination of Women in FMEEC
Churches; and the Assembly, after elaborate and in-depth deliberations,
approved the historical recommendation of supporting women ordination to
Ministry in FMEEC?s Churches, and called upon its member Churches to  carry
out this decision for the advancement of the Oriental Evangelical  Christian
testimony, and to ascertain the full role of women in the Ministry in  Church
and Society. The Assembly also voted to welcome the Presbyterian Synod  of
Iraq a new member in FMEEC. Other actions included amendments to the

In accordance with the Constitution the Assembly elected for the new  Term
Rev. Dr. Andrea Zaki (Synod of the Nile) as President, Rev. Dr. Habeeb  Badr
(Lebanese National Evangelical Union) as Vice-President, and renewed for
Mrs. Rosangela Jarjour as General Secretary. A new Executive Committee  was
elected, consisting of: Bishop Muneeb Younan (Palestine), Rev. Fadi  Dagher
and Rev. Megrdich Karagoezian (Lebanon), Rev. Hilmi Qaades (Egypt), and
Arch-Deacon Lou?ay Haddad (Jordan).

As a concluding expression of Oneness, all the participants joined in a
celebrative worship service in the Presbyterian Church in Rabieh, during
which a concelebration of the Eucharist was administered by leading  clergy
of the Lutheran and Reformed Member Churches, ascertaining the  historical
agreement these Churches achieved in 2006, known as the Amman  Declaration.
This Declaration, which was co-signed by seven Churches, states a mutual
recognition between them, in regard to Eucharist, Baptism, and Church

After concluding all actions of the Assembly, a delegation from member
Churches, led by Rev Dr Salim Sahiouny (President of the Supreme Council  of
the Evangelical Churches in Syria and Lebanon), paid a visit to H. E.
Michael Suleiman, President of the Republic, conveying the regards of  their
Churches, and wishing him the success and Lebanon Peace and Prosperity.

>Rosangela Jarjour
>General Secretary
>Mobile in Lebanon + 961 3 713009
>telefax in Lebanon + 961 4 919126
>E- Mail:

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