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[ENS] Anglican, Episcopal women forge new relationships at UN women's meetings

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Date Mon, 15 Mar 2010 07:49:48 -0400

>Episcopal News Service
>March 12, 2010

Episcopal News Service is available at

>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:

* TOP STORY - Anglican, Episcopal women forge new relationships at UN
women's meetings
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - DALLAS: Interfaith environmental alliance aims for
'creation awareness'
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - SAN JOAQUIN: Diocese sues for return of church  property
* WORLD REPORT - African, Canadian bishops engage in theological  dialogue
* MISSION - Anglican Peace and Justice Network to celebrate 25 years
of communion-wide advocacy
* OPINION - Episcopal young adults at UNCSW look to create a new Beijing
* DAYBOOK - March 15: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* EBAR PICK - "Lifting Women's Voices - Prayers to Change the World"



Anglican, Episcopal women forge new relationships at UN women's meetings

>By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[Episcopal News Service] For two Episcopal Church women attending
parts of the 54th meeting of the United Nations Commission on the
Status of Women March 1-12 put the local and the global into sharp

The sessions also reinforced for them the scope of work ahead for
people of faith, said Marge Christie of Ridgewood, New Jersey, and
Karen Longnecker of San Diego, California.

Both were part of the delegations of Episcopalians and Anglicans who
participated in the meetings at the United Nations headquarters in New
York City, at the nearby Episcopal Church Center and at other
locations in Manhattan.

Full story:

More Top Stories:



DALLAS: Interfaith environmental alliance aims for 'creation awareness'

>By Pat McCaughan

[Episcopal News Service] With Earth Day little more than a month away,
Gary Stuard is stepping up the message he has been patiently but
persistently sending to people of all faiths throughout the Dallas
area: let's get together to save the environment.

Full story:

>- - - - -

SAN JOAQUIN: Diocese sues for return of church property

>By ENS staff

[Episcopal News Service] The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin on March
11 continued to seek return of church property held by former

Full story:

More Diocesan news:



African, Canadian bishops engage in theological dialogue

>By Matthew Davies

[Episcopal News Service] A group of six African and five Canadian
bishops, who for more than a year have engaged in theological dialogue
on matters relating to human sexuality and to mission, have issued a
communiqué following a recent meeting at the Anglican Communion Office
in London.

Full story:

More World news:



Anglican Peace and Justice Network to celebrate 25 years of
communion-wide advocacy

>By Matthew Davies

[Episcopal News Service] When the Anglican Peace and Justice Network
meets in Geneva, Switzerland, from March 14-20, it will celebrate a
major milestone -- 25 years of service to the Anglican Communion in
addressing issues of global injustice.

Full story:

More Mission:



Episcopal young adults at UNCSW look to create a new Beijing

>By Karen Longnecker

[Episcopal News Service] In 1995 women from all over the world
traveled to Beijing for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on
Women. Their dedication and labor resulted in the adoption of what is
now known as the Beijing Platform for Action, a social justice
platform for work towards a more equitable world for women and girls.

In 1995, I think I was learning how to dance the Macarena and trying
to catch the eye of just about any boy that would look my way. I was,
after all, in the seventh grade.

Full story:

More Opinion:



>On March 15, 2010...

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On March 15, 1672, Charles II of England issued
his first declaration of indulgence, suspending Parliament's
legislation against Catholic and Protestant dissenters.



"Lifting Women's Voices - Prayers to Change the World" by Margaret
Rose, Jeanne Person, Abagail Nelson, and Jenny Te Paa, editors, with a
foreword by Katharine Jefferts Schori, 416 pages, hardcover, c. 2009,

[Morehouse Publishing] This stunning collection of prayers from women
throughout the Anglican Communion is organized according to themes of
the U.N. Millennium Development Goals.

It makes direct connections between women's personal lives and global
concerns of women everywhere, showing the interrelatedness, for
example, between a woman's prayer for her infant in America and the
plight of child laborers in developing countries.
The prayer selections are representative of women from of all parts of
the Anglican world. Members of the editorial board include Jane
Williams, Phoebe Griswold, plus women from Asia, South America, and
the Middle East.

To order, please visit Episcopal Books and Resources online at, call 800-903-5544, or visit your
local Episcopal bookstore.

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