From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Editorial: The impact of Easter in our lives

From "Taiwan Church News" <>
Date Tue, 6 Apr 2010 12:12:17 -0700

>      Taiwan Church News

>3031 Edition

>March 29~April 4, 2010

>Editorial: The impact of Easter in our lives

>Translated by Lydia Ma

Nobody really knows what transpired inside the tomb on that first  Easter 
Sunday, but

everybody agrees that Jesus’ resurrection not only conquered  death and Satan’s 
power over

us, but also transformed our lives. When Jesus rose from the dead,  he was no 
longer bound

by space and time. Not only could he walk through locked doors, he  could also 
overcome our

fear and our hopelessness with his kindness and forgiveness.

The disciples who fled when Jesus was arrested because they were  so frightened 

transformed when they met their resurrected Lord. Henceforth, they  would 
become different

men and the world would come to know them for their courage and  fearlessness 

and wherever they preached the gospel. Their determination and  transformation 

spread the gospel throughout Palestine and to the ends of the  earth.

One could say that Jesus’ resurrection isn’t merely  about the mystery of 
someone rising from

the dead. An equally important feat achieved by Jesus’  resurrection is 
transformation and

renewal among those who believe. Christ’s passion and  resurrection offer 3 
important lessons

>for us today:

First, Jesus was sentenced to death not only by the religious  authorities of 
Jerusalem at the

time. He was also crucified by all the spiritual powers that  rebelled against 
God and by every

person’s bitterness, brokenness, and sins. His resurrection  meant he’d 
defeated the

oppressive hold these things had over human beings.

Second, Jesus’ resurrection meant that those who were  oppressed were now free 

their lives would be renewed and transformed. Galatians 2:19-20  described it 
like this: “I have

been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives  in me.” In 
essence, Jesus’ death

and resurrection means that our old, sinful, corrupt nature has  been dealt and 
done away with,

enabling us to embark on a new spiritual journey.

Finally, Jesus’ death and resurrection reveals the extent of  God’s love for 
humanity, a theme

reiterated throughout the Bible. We often wonder how God the  Father could’ve 

Jesus, God’s beloved son, or how God the Father could’ve  allowed Jesus to 
suffer such an

injustice. In reality, God didn’t forsake Jesus, but gave his  only son redeem 
humanity because

>God loved the world so much.

When Jesus’ disciples saw their resurrected Lord, their past  failures paled in 
contrast to

God’s love for them. This love enabled them to overcome their  fears, doubts, 
and sadness

and made them brave enough to take on the unfriendly world  they’d been 
commissioned to

>transform by preaching the gospel.

Many people today also long for this resurrection power to  transform and renew 
their lives. We

live in a world of sin that constantly tests our senses, strength,  and faith. 
This past year has

been challenging for Taiwan and we’re still coping with the  consequences of 
Typhoon Morakot

>and a disintegrating national autonomy.

Many people here feel there’s nothing they can do to turn the  tide. But what 
about churches?

Are our churches living out PCT’s statement of faith by  becoming a sign of 
hope to this

restless generation? Or are our churches not faring much better  and feeling 
equally anxious?

Jesus death and resurrection means believers can experience  God’s love, and 
freedom from

everything that shackles them. It is our prayer that God, who  raised Christ 
from the dead, will

also raise up all those who feel they’re stuck in the valley  of the shadow of 
death, so that they

>can experience love, freedom, and new life.


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