From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Newsline: Young adult workcamp in Haiti

From CoBNews <>
Date Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:32:40 -0500

Newsline: Church of the Brethren News Service,

>News Director Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford,

>800-323-8039 ext. 260,



(April 12, 2010) Elgin, IL -- The Church of the Brethren's Youth and

Young Adult Office is planning a young adult workcamp at the New

Covenant School in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti, on June 1-8.

St. Louis du Nord is a day's drive away from Port-au-Prince and was

>not affected by the recent earthquake.

However, along with disaster response and crisis intervention, there

also is a need for longterm mission in Haiti. One way the Church of

the Brethren is attempting to do this is through support of education.

Although there are some public schools in Haiti, 90 percent of primary

schools are private. Even in public schools, the cost of fees, uniforms,

and books is too expensive for the families of many Haitian children.

New Covenant School was founded in St. Louis du Nord to give

neighborhood children the opportunity of a basic education. The school

also holds Christian education classes on Sunday mornings. The school

is currently housed in a rented property but is in the process of

>constructing a new school building.

Workcamp participants will work alongside members of the community

on the new building, and also will lead crafts and games at a Vacation

Bible School led by the teachers of New Covenant School. Jeanne Davies

is coordinator of the Church of the Brethren's Workcamp Ministry.

There are still a few places left in this summer's workcamp. To register,

go to or call the workcamp office at

>800-323-8039 ext. 286.

The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to

continuing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its

faith in community. The denomination is based in the Anabaptist and

Pietist faith traditions and is one of the three Historic Peace Churches. I t

celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2008. It counts some 125,000 members

across the United States and Puerto Rico, and has missions and sister

churches in Nigeria, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and India.

># # #

>For more information contact:

>Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford

>Director of News Services

>Church of the Brethren

>1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120

>800-323-8039 ext. 260


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