From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Christians celebrate Earth Day 2010

From "Philip Jenks" <>
Date Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:25:31 -0400

Christians Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day

Washington, April 22, 2010 -- Congregations across the country are
observing Earth Day by celebrating the goodness of God's Creation,
recognizing that  stewardship begins in the sacred spaces of our church
buildings and grounds.

To aid congregations in honoring Creation, the National Council of
Churches (NCC) developed an Earth Day Sunday resource entitled Sacred
Spaces and an Abundant Life: Worship Spaces as Stewardship. The resource
includes ideas on energy and water conservation, and toxics reduction.

Across the country, congregations are answering the call to stewardship
of their sacred spaces, by taking action to green their congregations.

For example, Riverside-Salem United Church of Christ and Disciples of
Christ in Grand Island New York is in the process of building a
sustainable building with straw bale insulation.

First Universalist Church, in Minneapolis, Minn. started a comprehensive
recycling program which reduced the congregation's trash by 65 to 75

Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kensington, Md. installed
programmable thermostats and weather-stripping; purchased copy paper
with recycled content, switched to an energy conservative copier, and
eliminated the use of Styrofoam serving ware; and ensured that 50
percent of the funds they spend on electricity supports wind power
electricity.  Their motto, "We may be a red brick building, but we are
working to be a 'green' church!"

Here are other Earth Day Sunday stories from congregations around the

On April 18, St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, Calif.
celebrated Earth Day using the NCC Earth Day theme. According to member
Mary Roberts, "It worked well with our goals for the year of reexamining
the environmental features of our campus." Between worship services they
offered family fun activities, green lifestyle displays, and a guided
tour of their certified Audubon International Signature Sanctuary and

Forest Lake Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C. is celebrating "ALL
GOD'S CREATURES, GREAT AND SMALL ...Their Environment is our Sacred
Space." Their Earth Sunday Celebrations will include special Sunday
school programs and service projects.

Westminster Church of the Brethren in Westminster, Md. will make a
joyful noise on Earth Day Sunday with hymns taken from the NCC's
Stewards of the Bay resource for congregations in the Chesapeake Bay

St. Mark United Methodist Church in Seneca, S.C. shows the movie
Kilowatt Hours every year on Earth Day Sunday for the confirmation
class. They also have a special class on the environment with tips on
being good stewards of God's Creation and encourage members to bring
their own dishes and silverware when they have church meetings rather
than use disposable products.

The Church of Reconciliation, a Presbyterian congregation in Chapel
Hill, N.C. has celebrated God's Creation all month long with adult
education classes and environmental Sabbath art projects, culminating in
an outdoor worship service on April 25.

Read more about the Earth Day Celebrations of these and other
congregations on the NCC Eco-Justice Programs website at

The resources mentioned in this article can be downloaded from the NCC
Eco-Justice Website at

>See also

NCC News contact:  Philip E. Jenks, 212-870-2228 (office), 646-853-4212
(cell) ,

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