Global Reformed church movement sets priorities for 2012-2013

From Martin_Gnanadason Daphne <>
Date Wed, 16 May 2012 17:51:41 +0000

>World Communion of Reformed Churches
>News Release
>16 May 2012

Global Reformed church movement sets priorities for 2012-2013
Theological formation, economic justice and measures to address financial c 
oncerns will be the focus for the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCR C) 
in 2012-2013.  Members of the organization’s Executive Committee endor sed the 
plans today at the conclusion of a six-day meeting in Berastagi, In donesia. 
Much of the committee’s discussion focused on financial issues.
“We leave this meeting knowing what lies ahead of us in the coming months . The 
way will not be easy but we are committed to building a secure financ ial 
future for WCRC which will enable us to live out our vision and purpose  as we 
engage God’s mission in the world,” says WCRC President, Jerry P illay.
Representatives of the organization’s member churches meeting in this Nor th 
Sumatran city were told by their newly-selected general treasurer, Johan n 
Weusmann, that WCRC’s financial difficulties are due primarily to the h igh 
rate of exchange between the Swiss franc and the Euro.
WCRC’s offices are located in Geneva, Switzerland and the majority of mem 
bership contributions that support the organization’s operating expenses  are 
made in Euros. The other matter of concern, the German lawyer and churc h 
executive says, is the lack of payment of membership dues by some member  
churches and underpayment by others.
In measures to address these issues, the Executive Committee agreed to esta 
blish a task group to prepare for a move from Geneva to a less expensive ci ty. 
Funds are being sought to cover the costs of preparing for relocation.  
Committee members also approved a grid that establishes a fair share of mem 
bership contributions to meet WCRC’s core budget.
The committee approved plans to launch a “sustainability fund” with a t arget 
of raising CHF10 million by 2017. In the first year of the campaign,  WCRC has 
committed to raising CHF400,000. Targets were set for regional fun draising in 
order to meet the overall WCRC goal.
The president of WCRC Endowment Fund, Stephens Lytch, acknowledges WCRC has  
set an ambitious fundraising objective.
“This is a huge challenge,” Lytch admits. “But we all know it is nece ssary for 
WCRC to prosper. The Executive Committee has given its unanimous  support for a 
sustainability fund and members have made a personal commitme nt to support it.”
Programme priorities approved for 2012-2013 include plans for a major inter 
national gathering in partnership with the Council for World Mission and th e 
World Council of Churches to consider a new global “financial architect ure” 
that would be more faithful to Christian values of sharing and justi ce than 
the current system. The consultation is to be held in October in Br azil.
“This event is designed to gather high level thinkers to consider and for 
mulate alternatives to the current economic and financial system which clea rly 
does not meet the needs of all God’s people and of the whole creation ,” says 
Dora Arce-Valentin, head of WCRC’s Justice and Partnership offi ce.
The committee approved plans to hold a training event for theology students  
and recently-ordained pastors in Latin America in 2014. The Global Institu te 
for Theology (GIT) offers formation in global ecumenism to young people  from 
around the world. Earlier sessions of the GIT have been held in Africa  and 
North America. In June 2012, GIT will convene in Indonesia.
“The intent of GIT is to engage young people in study of Reformed identit y and 
theology in response to contemporary concerns about interfaith tensio ns, 
economic pressures and continuing splits within denominations,” says  Executive 
Committee member, Bas Plaisier, who chairs the group with respons ibility for 
theology, communion (church unity) and mission.
The WCRC is also selecting young theologians to participate in bilateral di 
alogues with other Christian groups such as Pentecostals and the Roman Cath 
olic Church.
“It is particularly important that young people engage in these discussio ns. 
In this way, WCRC contributes to forming the next generation of ecumeni cal 
leaders,” says the Dutch theologian who is currently teaching in Hong  Kong.
In other business, the Executive Committee approved plans to launch the sea rch 
process for a new general secretary to take over from Setri Nyomi when  his 
term ends in April 2014.
WCRC's member churches, representing 80 million Christians in 108 countries , 
are active worldwide in initiatives supporting economic, climate and gend er 
justice, mission, and cooperation among Christians of different traditio ns.

>Media Contacts:
>Kristine Greenaway
>Office of Communications
>News Room in Berastagi, Indonesia (10-17 May 2012)
>Phone: +62 852 8552 0015