From the Worldwide Faith News archives
College News
02 May 1996 22:28:52
96148 College News
by Julian Shipp
TUSCALOOSA, Ala.--Stillman College president Cordell Wynn has been chosen
to serve as moderator of an eight-member task force that is charged with
providing more information about African-American history and resources to
developers of the Presbyterian Church's educational materials. Wynn, who
has been president of Stillman since 1982, was appointed by Marj Carpenter,
moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The task force, which was
authorized by the 1995 General Assembly, is scheduled to report to the
209th General Assembly in 1997.
ST. PAUL, Minn.--The Macalester College community packed Weyerhauser Chapel
recently to receive college president-elect Michael S. McPherson. The
48-year-old McPherson is currently dean of the faculty at Williams College
in Williamstown, Mass., and is a nationally known economist, writer and
authority on the economics of higher education. He was appointed by the
Macalester board of trustees after a lengthy national search. McPherson
will become Macalester's 15th president Aug. 1. He succeeds Robert J. Gavin
Jr., who announced last year that he would step down after 12 years as
EASTON, Pa.--Bill Cosby, world-renowned actor and entertainer who has used
comedy as an educational tool to teach tolerance, family values and love of
learning, will speak May 19 at Lafayette College's 161st commencement
exercises. Cosby will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane
Letters. Graduation exercises, to be held outdoors on the Skillman Library
Plaza, will begin at 2:15 p.m. with an academic procession. In case of
rain, ceremonies will be held in the Allan P. Kirby Field House. The event
is open to the public and tickets are not required.
CONCORD, N.C.--Dr. Sammie W. Potts has been appointed the 14th president of
the 129-year-old Barber-Scotia College, effective July 1. From 1979 to
1988, Potts served Barber-Scotia College in the roles of vice president for
student affairs, vice president for development and director of the
Institutional Self-Study. His professional career also includes
administrative experience in secondary public education. Potts, a native of
the Carolinas, is a graduate of Benedict College and completed graduate
degree programs (master's and doctorate) at the University of Massachusetts
in Amherst.
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