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College News

Date 04 May 1996 15:23:06


96050                      College News 
                         by Julian Shipp 
DAVIDSON, N.C.--Davidson College president John W. Kuykendall has announced 
that he will resign his office June 30, 1997, to return to classroom 
teaching. Kuykendall, a 1959 Davidson graduate and ordained Presbyterian 
minister, became the college's 15th president on Oct. 5, 1984, following 11 
years as a member of the Auburn University religion department faculty. 
During most years of his Davidson presidency, he has continued to teach one 
course per year in either the history of Christianity or his academic 
speciality, the history of religion in America. 
DUBUQUE, IOWA--The University of Dubuque (UD) Aviation Program has the 
latest in navigation technology with the recent installation of a new 
$12,000 approach-certified Global Positioning System (GPS) unit in one of 
its planes. GPS-equipped planes navigate using satellites instead of 
traditional ground-based systems. The unit was purchased by Dr. Thomas 
Greenawalt (C'53) for a Cessna 172 that he leases to the UD Aviation 
Program. The university  will pay for the unit's installation with funds 
from a $100,000 gift from Mrs. Ruth Garlick. The gift also funded the 
complete renovation of the John and Ruth Garlick Flight Operation Center at 
Dubuque Regional Airport. 

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