From the Worldwide Faith News archives
College News
04 May 1996 15:25:06
96057 College News
by Julian Shipp
TULSA, Okla.--Author and historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. will be the
keynote speaker at the University of Tulsa's 1996 international conference,
March 13-16, titled "Religion, the New Tribalism' and the Future of
Democracy." The conference will focus on conflict among the world's major
religions and ethnic groups. Other speakers include Azizah al-Hibri, a
professor at Richmond School of Law whose specialities include Islamic
jurisprudence, democracy and women's rights; David Little, director of the
working group on religion, idealogy and peace at the U.S. Institute of
Peace; Khalid Duran, editor of "TransState Islam" and a senior fellow at
the Institute of International Studies in Washington, D.C.; and George
Weigel, a Catholic theologian and president of the Ethics and Public Policy
Center in Washington, D.C. For more information, call Lynne Novack,
executive assistant to the TU president, at (918) 631-3842.
BLOOMFIELD, N.J.--The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation in New York
has awarded Bloomfield College a gift of $74,000 toward its three-year
commitment of $210,000 in support of the Bloomfield College Faculty
Development Program. The program will address the implementation of an
agenda of liberal learning with interdisciplinary courses in the
humanities, creative arts, and technology and the national and social
CLINTON, S.C.--The long and rich connection between an Atlanta church and a
South Carolina college was celebrated Feb. 14 when Presbyterian College
dedicated its new $5.2 million academic center. The state-of-the-art
facility, which houses five academic departments and features a conference
suite and multimedia amphitheater, will be named in honor of Peachtree
Presbyterian Church and its senior pastor, Dr. W. Frank Harrington, a 1957
alumnus of the college who serves as chair of PC's board of trustees.
Peachtree Presbyterian Church provided exceptional financial support for
this particular capital project and has been a vital supporter of
Presbyterian College for several decades, having been named a Distinguished
Member of the William Plumer Jacobs Society -- a special group of
benefactors of the college -- in 1988.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, KY 40202
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