From the Worldwide Faith News archives

College News

Date 04 May 1996 18:52:08


96066                      College News 
                         by Julian Shipp 
DAVIDSON, N.C.--Through the generosity of a Charlotte, N.C., alumnus and 
his family, Davidson College will now attract some of the most outstanding 
scholar-athletes from across the country. Robert Norris, a member of the 
class of 1972, and his wife, Kay, have established the first endowed, 
full-cost athletic scholarship in the school's 159-year history. The new 
scholarship honors Norris' father, Amos Norris, and boasts a $500,000 
endowment that will cover the full cost of attendance. The initial Norris 
Scholarship student will matriculate with the class of 2001. 
TULSA, Okla.--Mary Robinson, the first female president of Ireland, visited 
the University of Tulsa (TU) Feb. 21. According to Sid Huttner, Special 
Collections curator at TU, Robinson came to Tulsa to acknowledge the 
internationally recognized holdings of Irish literature in the McFarlin 
Library. "Our holdings include a comprehensive collection of materials by 
and about James Joyce; Cyril Connolly's papers and library; Richard 
Ellmann's research on Wilde, Joyce, Yeats, Beckett, and other Irish 
writers; and William Trevor's manuscripts," Huttner said. "We even have 
Edmund Wilson's copy of  Ulysses.'" During Robinson's visit, the Irish 
consul general hosted a private reception for Robinson with Tulsa area 
Irish-born and Americans of Irish descent at the Gilcrease Museum. 
STAUNTON, Va.--An anonymous benefactor has pledged $250,000 to the Mary 
Baldwin College Annual Fund in the amount of $50,000 a year for five years. 
Given in the form of a challenge gift, it must be matched each year by 
$50,000 in new annual fund gifts from college alumnae, parents and friends. 

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