From the Worldwide Faith News archives

College News

Date 04 May 1996 20:34:36


95350                      College News 
                         by Julian Shipp 
LAURINBURG, N.C.--A $146,000 federal grant will allow St. Andrews 
Presbyterian College to establish a first-of-its-kind therapeutic riding 
curriculum, leading to a four-year degree in the subject.  The Fund for the 
Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) awarded the three-year grant 
to St.  Andrews and the North American Riding for the Handicapped 
Association (NARHA) to train and certify instructors in the growing field 
of using horses to benefit persons with disabilities. 
CLINTON, S.C.--An Oct. 3 lecture by Dr. Syngman Rhee will celebrate the 
relationship that now exists between Presbyterian College and its partner 
Presbyterian Church institution, Han Nam University in Korea. Rhee serves 
as associate director of the Worldwide Ministries Division in the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  His convocation address will focus on the 
two-day Korean Jubilee, which is a celebration of Korean Liberation from 
Japan. The convocation will be held in Belk Auditorium on the Presbyterian 
College campus at 11 a.m. The lecture is free and open to the public. 
DAVIDSON, N.C.--Davidson College will officially conclude its successful 
"Campaign for Davidson" Oct. 6 with a fall convocation highlighted by an 
address by John Brademas, president emeritus of New York University and 
adviser to the U.S. government on the arts and education. During the past 
five years, the "Campaign for Davidson" raised $158 million for the Annual 
Fund to support teaching, enhance physical facilities, strengthen academic 
resources and enrich student life. National campaign chair Beverly F. 
Dolan, former CEO of Textron, will declare the campaign ended and review 
the things it allowed the college to achieve. 

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