From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Notes about People
04 May 1996 19:49:40
95435 Notes about People
by Jerry L. Van Marter
Five new members of the Presbyterian Women Churchwide Coordinating
Team began their terms of service at the team's recent meeting in Seattle.
They are Ellen Carter, Natoma, Kan., Synod of Mid-America; Flavia
Alvarez, Quebradillas, Puerto Rico, Synod of Puerto Rico; Barbara Haith,
Apple Valley, Calif., Synod of Southern California and Hawaii; Peggy Lane,
Davenport, Fla., Synod of South Atlantic; and Gloria Venett, State College,
Pa., Synod of The Trinity. Also, Kathryn Barker, Ontario, Ore., will
represent the Synod of the Pacific for one year.
# # #
Binh Nguyen has been commissioned by Seattle Presbytery as the first
Commissioned Lay Preacher (CLP) in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Binh,
who has been in the presbytery's CLP training program since December 1994,
was commissioned Nov. 21 to the Brighton Presbyterian Church in Seattle.
# # #
United Methodist bishop Melvin G. Talbert, 61, of San Francisco was
installed Nov. 16 as president of the National Council of Churches (NCC).
He will serve a two-year term.
Talbert is completing his eighth year as secretary and ecumenical
officer of the United Methodist Council of Bishops. He is also a member of
the Executive Committee, Central Committee and Finance Committee of the
World Council of Churches.
In his first interview after his installation, Talbert said that one
of his top priorities is putting racism at the center of the NCC's agenda.
He announced plans to gather a panel of high-level consultants to advise
the NCC on what it might do to combat racism.
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