From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Notes about People

Date 04 May 1996 20:30:36


96008                   Notes about People 
                          by Alexa Smith 
     A memorial service was held for Margaret Brown, the mother of 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) executive director the Rev. James D. Brown, on 
Dec. 28 at the First Presbyterian Church in Canadian, Texas.  She was 77. 
She died Dec. 19 at the Senior Village Nursing Home in Perryton, Texas, 
where she had been a resident for several months. She will be buried next 
to her husband, James E. Brown, in New York State.  Those wishing to make 
gifts in her memory are encouraged to give to the Memorial Piano Fund at 
Senior Village, Perryton, TX 79070. 
                              # # # 
     The Rev. Richard L. Killmer, coordinator of the Presbyterian 
Peacemaking Program, resigned that position to begin work as associate 
director of the National Ministries Unit of the National Council of 
Churches.  Killmer finishes his work in Louisville Jan. 8. 
                              # # # 
     Dame Nita Barrow, the governor-general of Barbados and a former 
president of the World Council of Churches (WCC), died in Barbados on Dec. 
19.  She was 79.  She was president of the WCC from 1983 to 1991, after 
serving as director of the WCC's Christian Medical Commission.  Barrow is 
considered a pioneer in developing the concept of community health care. 
                              # # # 
     Richard E. Rodman, coordinator for global education and international 
leadership development, resigned that position to assume duties as 
associate dean of Warren Wilson College, a Presbyterian-related school in 
North Carolina.  A former mission worker, Rodman worked in the Worldwide 
Ministries Division for eight years.  He begins his term at Warren Wilson 
in early 1996. 

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